How to fight oily hair?

2023-06-26 08:03:13

Oily hair can be a source of frustration and discomfort for many people. The causes of this problem can be varied, ranging from genetic factors to improper hair care habits. Fortunately, there are effective ways to combat oily hair. Check out our tips for doing just that.

Choose an appropriate natural shampoo

The first step in fighting oily hair is to choose a natural shampoo that suits your hair. These products are usually sulfate-free and contain gentle ingredients that won’t weigh hair down. Natural shampoos are formulated with plant and herbal extracts to regulate sebum production and maintain scalp balance. Natural ingredients commonly used in shampoos for oily hair include:

nettle, rosemary, tea tree, lemon, cucumber, clay.

Nettle helps regulate sebum production. Rosemary has purifying properties. The tea tree has antiseptic properties and the cucumber soothes the scalp. In contrast, clay absorbs excess fat. You can go to an online pharmacy to buy a natural shampoo that suits your hair. Be sure to read labels carefully and avoid products that contain sulfates and silicones.

They can indeed aggravate the production of sebum and weigh down your hair. Instead, opt for gentle formulas that deeply cleanse while preserving your hair’s natural balance. Take the time to read reviews from other users of the product. This can give you an idea of ​​the performance of the shampoo and its ability to fight oily hair.

Space out the shampoos

Washing your oily hair every day may seem like a temporary fix, but it can actually make the problem worse. The more you wash your hair, the more you stimulate the sebaceous glands which will produce sebum to compensate for the dryness caused by shampoo. Frequent washing can make the hair more brittle and more sensitive to external aggressions. By spacing out the shampoos, you therefore allow your scalp to maintain its natural sebum balance, which promotes healthier and less oily hair.

If you’re used to washing your hair every day, start by spacing your shampoos a day apart. For example, go to every other day for a few weeks, then to every third day. Your scalp will gradually adapt to this new routine. When washing your hair, concentrate on the roots and avoidapply shampoo to the lengths, as this can dry them out unnecessarily. Rinse your hair thoroughly to remove any product residue.

Eat a balanced diet

Diet plays a vital role in the health of our hair, including its tendency to become oily. For fight oily hair, adopt a balanced and nutrient-rich diet. Limit your intake of fatty and sugary foods, which can influence sebum production. Instead, opt for foods rich in B vitamins. These help regulate sebum production and maintain a healthy scalp. Choose foods such as leafy green vegetables, eggs, nuts and whole grains.

In addition to this, increase your zinc intake. Zinc-rich food sources include seafood, lean meat, pumpkin seeds, and legumes. Omega-3 fatty acids also promote healthy hair. Oily fish like salmon, mackerel and sardines are excellent sources of omega-3s. Adequate hydration is important for maintain the balance of the scalp. Be sure to drink enough water throughout the day.

Avoid touching your hair

Running your hands through your hair helps stimulate the sebaceous glands in the scalp. For this reason, it is strongly recommended to reduce this gesture as much as possible. If you have tendency to touch your hair without even realizing it because they cover your face, tie them up with a ponytail. A bun or a braid can be a practical solution to limit the need to constantly run your hand through your hair.

Rinse with apple cider vinegar to balance the pH of your scalp

Apple cider vinegar is a popular natural remedy for balancing scalp pH and reducing oil production. Dilute one or two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a cup of water and use this mixture as last rinse after your shampoo. Apple cider vinegar helps remove hair product residue, reduce excess oil, and make your hair shinier.

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