How to have a happier, fuller and more interesting life?: Ángela Losada explains

“What do you want to be when you grow up?” The exercise of mindfulness and creativity that Ángela Losada shares in this video of Efficiently. The aim of the “five imaginary lives exercise” is to explore, using creative writing as a medium, the possibilities that childhood dreams can bring to one’s chosen life.

Creativity, an important tool for life

Creativity is a skill that develops throughout childhood and growth, but may diminish as we reach maturity. However, there are several studies that show that it is important to encourage it, since it provides different benefits for well-being at all stages of life, especially for mental and brain health.

In fact, the study Creativity Matters: Arts and Aging in America explains that creative exercises encourage neural connections, which helps maintain different brain capacities. In addition, depending on the activity that is chosen, the symptoms of anxiety, depression and even Alzheimer’s can be reduced.

It should be noted that creativity has many forms and is not only included when practicing art or related activities. In fact, ‘thinking outside the box’ is a creative exercise that can be implemented on a daily basis and, according to studies from the University of Hamburg, people who actively try to find new solutions and new ways to solve problems develop more social skills.

In EfficientlyÁngela Losada shares an exercise that encourages this ability and also seeks to improve life through mindfulness. Keep discovering more about productivity, mindfulness and yoga in the weekly episodes of Efficiently.

Who is Angela Losada?

Ángela Losada is an anthropologist from the Sorbonne University and has a career as a specialist in conflict management, a meditation teacher, yoga and mindfulness, and actress. With her startup, Uplift, she seeks to empower people to reach their full potential. She has worked with more than 30,000 individuals and private organizations.

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