“How to increase your wealth with stocks” for busy people | Stock Training | Diamond Online

One book that I would like people who invest in stocks to read“Stock Training: The World’s Most Fun” Question and Answer “Stock Textbook”is. This is an epoch-making book to learn “techniques to win by trading stocks” while solving quizzes. The authorA specialist who has been a fund manager for 25 years and has managed over 200 billion yen and has achieved a good performance far exceeding TOPIX.Mr. Masayuki Kubota of Rakuten Securities.Condensed “Technology to win in trade” established from a huge number of trades tens of thousands of times in one bookThis bookFrom, I will introduce a special excerpt.

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Reasons why funded investment is effective

 This bookAlthough we provide training to look at charts and buy and sell properly, we also know that there are many people who “have no time to look at charts”.

I would like to recommend “funded investment” of “index fund” to such people.

An index fund is an investment trust designed to be linked to stock indexes around the world.

When investing in assets that repeatedly fluctuate, such as the Nikkei 225 Index Fund, it is effective to set a monthly amount of 10,000 yen, 20,000 yen, etc. and save it.

We have created a simple example to help you understand the power of funded investment.

First, solve the following quiz.

Challenge the stock investment quiz

Assuming that you have invested 10,000 yen each in investment trust A and investment trust B below, one month later and two months later, which is the higher asset value after three months?

Price trends of investment trust A and investment trust B

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