How to prepare for the day of delivery?

the day of delivery requires preparation not only physical, but mental, because even though there are things that do not depend on you, others do, andSo you can put them into practice and enlist them throughout your pregnancy.

Next, we present you a series of recommendations to make this day a great day.

mentally prepare

no childbirth is easy even if there are medications to reduce the pain that they will offer you at a given moment. Find out from your doctor, nurses and specialized sites on how to stay calm and manage pain. Do yoga and learn relaxation exercises They can help you a lot to face this great moment.

do exercise

Exercising is undoubtedly a great ally of childbirth. Not only will it help you maintain optimal weightbut you it will help with your emotions, Exercising releases endorphins and in this way you can contribute to your physical and mental health.

You don’t necessarily have to do strenuous exerciseswalking an hour a day, doing aerobics or doing pilates is enough.

Remember that your exercise dIt should be proportional to what you were used to doing before you got pregnant.and at all times should be advised by professionals. If your pregnancy is high risk and contraindicated by your doctor, do not do it.

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Psychoprophylactic courses

This type of spaces are designed for mom and dad to prepare for pregnancychildbirth and lactation.

In these courses, in addition to learn everything you need about it, you will solve many doubts and you will also be able to interact with other moms and dadsbecause you can attend these meetings with your partner or another family member.

This type of courses They are offered by your health entity and you can also get them in a private way.

childbirth techniques

This kind of techniques They will help you both during delivery and postpartum:

perineal massage

This massage is known to avoid perineal trauma at the time of delivery, the goal of this exercise is to stretch and soften the tissues around the vagina. Likewise, helps the mother-to-be become familiar with the stretch in the area that will feel at the time of delivery.

You can do this exercise For 10 minutes up to date.

Read also: Why is nutrition important during pregnancy?

Kegel exercises

This exercise is quite beneficial at the time of childbirth, but it is also useful to improve sexual intercourse, and they will also help you with all types of incontinence.

What does it consist on? with this exercise the muscles of the vagina contract, and then relax them.

Before doing them you should make sure that your bladder is empty. you shall tighten your pelvic floor muscles and keep them that way for 3 to 5 seconds. Then relax the muscle and count again from 3 to 5 seconds.

You can repeat them morning afternoon and night, 10 times per session.

What should I carry in the suitcase?

This information It will be given specifically by your health provider, as it varies from entity to entity. However, you must carry one suitcase for yourself and one for the baby.

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