How to reduce 10 centimeters from the waist in a short time with five steps?

To lose weight you need to consume fewer calories and use more than you consume. Although doing that for an extended period of time can be challenging for many people, it is necessary for healthy fat loss.

Increasing exercise or physical activity can help with weight loss. Physical activity guidelines define physical activity as at least 150 minutes per week of aerobic activity of moderate intensity, such as brisk walking.

Moderate-intensity aerobic activity makes your heart beat faster and your breathing quicker, but it doesn’t exhaust you or overheat you, so this class is safe for most people.

In addition, Emerging research shows that sticking to an eating plan may also be important for losing and maintaining a healthy weight. Eating well is a journey shaped by many factors, including age, weight, metabolism, food preferences, food access, culture, and traditions.

Therefore, the specialized portal better with health listed a series of recommendations with which it is possible to lose weight and reduce the waist by up to 10 centimeters, in a short time.

1. Eat more foods rich in nutrients and good fats: All food groups should be included in the diet. So protein, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats should be included. In this way, the metabolism will be activated and a few kilos will be dropped.

2. Massage the waist and do exercises: “In some cases there may be poor circulation or poor lymphatic drainage in the waist area,” explains the medium. To combat it, massages can be performed in the usual way with moisturizing cream or oil. Additionally, it is advisable to perform localized exercises to develop the waist.

3. Eat at 80%: it is important to eat until you feel full and not until the body is completely full. To do this, it is advisable to chew food well and eat slowly. Eating this way will prevent bloating and make your body feel lighter.

4. Not sitting for more than 45 minutes at a time: sedentary lifestyle is one of the main causes of obesity or being overweight. This fat accumulates, above all, in the abdominal area. To avoid this, it is possible to set an alarm every 45 minutes to get up and perform some type of movement.

5. Regulate Hormones: During menopause, many women experience weight changes. However, there are some natural supplements that can help regulate hormones.

In addition to the above, there are other habits that can be carried out to lose weight.

  • Increase consumption of fruits and vegetables: the website highlights the importance of adding fruits and vegetables to your daily diet. These foods can be eaten in small portions and at different times of the day. Both are good options for energy and multiple benefits.
  • Discipline with the exercise routine: physical activity is also an important element to obtain good results when getting on the scale. You don’t need to go to a gym to burn fat. The WHO explains that physical activity is “any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles, with the consequent consumption of energy”.

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