How to regulate your sleep using mental walking?

2024-01-06 19:30:22

Your mind is racing, you can’t get comfortable, and even your usual lavender mist doesn’t make you sleepy. What to do now ? How can you finally fall asleep? The answer is certainly not to count sheep. No, it doesn’t work, and it might even make you take even longer to rest.

Experts recommend what’s called a “mind walk” instead. Think of a walk that you know very well. It could be as simple as a walk in the forest, an excursion or a walk on the beach, then try to replicate it. Focus to the point where you say to yourself: “I am leaving my house, going up the stairs and walking away.” When our brain affects our sleep, it’s often because we’re “tired but mentally tuned in,” it’s a “sure sign our stress response is over-activated.”

A mind walk is worth trying because it is very similar to mindfulness and meditation. Getting our mind to settle down, relax and unwind is a very effective method of cutting through the noise and getting our body to give in to sleep. Sounds good to us. So how do we create a mental walk that helps us get to sleep? Experts give us their advice.

How to take a long “mental walk” and finally fall asleep?

Choose a walk you have already taken.

Choose a walk that you enjoy and that is familiar to you. It could be local, but also a favorite walk you discovered on holiday, or stunning gardens you once visited. Don’t have a favorite walk that comes to mind? Good news: you now have a reason to take a walk this weekend and enjoy all its benefits.

Take a break at your starting point.

Before you begin to visualize your ride, take a moment to mentally still yourself, breathe slowly and deeply, and observe the environment you are imagining.

Focus on your senses.

Focus on the environment, its smell, its sensations. It might be a walk on a beach, with the sound of the waves and the warmth on your skin, or maybe a walk in the woods with the sound of birds. What makes you feel good?

Dig into the details.

This is why choosing a walk that you took while awake is essential. Perhaps you would like to explore your five senses at this time. What might you hear if you were in your desired destination right now? Maybe you can smell the fresh country air or the salty sea breeze.

If you were to reach out and touch something, what would you touch, how would you feel? If you were to really look and pay attention, what might you see that you haven’t spent much time looking at before? Can you taste the salty sea air? Maybe you have a refreshing drink in your hand or in your backpack?

Slow down.

When we remember something or imagine a moment in time, we often find ourselves moving much faster than if the event was happening in real time. Another good tip is to slow down. This can help you absorb and focus on the beautiful scenery that attracts you.

Do not hesitate to use supports to help you.

Some of us have difficulty visualizing in such depth – and that’s okay. Try using additional tools to immerse your mind in this calming ride. You can download a hypnotherapy recording, read a book or look at photos of nature before bed, or put on pink noise to make you feel like you’re at the beach.

Take the same mental walk every evening.

During your waking hours, it can seem boring to follow the same path day after day. But it’s exactly what you need when it comes to sleep.

Try to follow the same approach every night. You may notice different things during your walk and sometimes focus more on one moment than another, but keeping the same route helps your brain enter relaxation.

Don’t give up on the first try.

Consistency is king. It may not be a quick fix or it may not work right away. Give it a chance, your mind must have the opportunity to get used to this new routine and recognize that this mental walk is synonymous with sleep.

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Margot is a woman passionate about science and natural medicine, whose life is dedicated to finding holistic solutions for health and well-being.

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