How to repair a remote control that no longer works: causes and solutions

Why does the remote control not work?

Settling down in front of the television to zap or watch your favorite show is a moment of grace after a long day of hard work. So, of course, when the remote control starts to quirk or categorically refuses to work, there is something to be annoyed about. First thing: we breathe calmly and we keep our cool. Because anger won’t solve anything. On the contrary, you have to think quietly to try to determine the source of the problem. And this, even if your match is due to start in 10 minutes! Very often the reason is not immediately apparent. Different causes can explain this sudden blockage. The good news is that the solution is usually very simple. Here are the options available to you.

  • Check the batteries of the remote control

Check remote control batteries – Source: spm

It may seem trivial to you, but very often it is simply the batteries that are dead. If the battery is discharged, it is normal for the controls to stop responding. So, before anything else, you need to make sure of that in the first place. Remove the batteries and insert new ones. Sometimes you even have to turn them over, if you don’t have spare batteries on hand. On the other hand, if the problem is not solved, there is another option to try. Test your batteries on another device. Are they working properly? Well, in that case, go back to the remote control compartment and do a little cleaning. Sometimes it’s just the dirt that’s to blame and blocking the contact. Use a cotton swab soaked in a liquid product suitable for this type of electrical device. Normally, the problem will be solved!

Read also: How to use a remote control without batteries?

Your remote control is more capricious than you thought? If the battery change wasn’t glorious, now is the time to check the signal. Most models are infrared remote controls: technically, a corresponding light-emitting diode is installed on the front and sends a signal (invisible to the naked eye) to the television. But how do you know if it is there? The maneuver is very simple, don’t worry. Take your smartphone and turn on the camera. Point it directly at the front of the remote where the LED strip is located, an area recognizable by semi-transparent plastic. Press any button on the remote and if it emits a signal, you will see the LED light up or flash. If you don’t see any blinking, then it means the remote is not emitting any signal. Don’t worry, the interference isn’t coming from your TV either.

Well then, how to get out of trouble, if the battery change did not work? Don’t worry, we’re not going to leave you in this mess, there are other options to try. Starting with this one:

  1. Take your remote control, a pencil, pliers and a pencil sharpener.
  2. Carefully sharpen your pencil. And cut off part of it, trying to make a cutout the same length as a stack.
  3. Sharpen it with a cutter to have a very sharp point.
  4. Then take the old battery and, using the pliers, remove the upper part of the positive side to be able to insert it into the “false” battery and facilitate its insertion. It is a small concave piece of metal.
  5. Then, gently insert the new battery, placing this small piece on its positive side. Place the battery next to it and check if the remote works.

Normally, as this trick has already been proven, it should work. But beware, this is only a temporary trick. Sure, you’ll save batteries for a few days, but it’s better to fix the problem permanently as soon as you get the chance.

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Another trick to repair your remote control

Use the remote control

Using the remote control – Source: spm

Don’t like waste? Before you consider throwing away your remote or incurring the expense of buying a new model, try fixing the old one first with the following method.

  • Open your remote. To do this, pry the housing shell to the side with a thin knife or loosen the small screws in the battery compartment.
  • Then check inside the remote control and electronics for any dust or debris. The contacts or the conductive rubber mat can easily get dirty. In which case, a little cleaning is required!
  • Prepare a mixture of water and spirit vinegar.
  • Dampen a clean cloth (preferably soft microfiber) with a small amount of this liquid. Warning: never pour vinegar or water directly on the contacts or the rubber part!
  • Now dab this area, giving light pressure to the contact points and electronics.
  • Finally, leave your remote uncovered to dry properly before reassembling it.
  • Logically, once properly cleaned, it should work again!

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