“How Walking and Eating Helped an Australian Woman Lose 27 Kilograms and Lower High Blood Pressure without Medication”

2023-04-15 19:14:55

09:09 PM

Saturday, April 15, 2023

I wrote – Yasmine El Sawy:

An Australian woman revealed her plan to lose 27 kilograms of weight and reduce high blood pressure without treatment, stressing that the secret word is “walking and eating.”

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The woman, named Judy Valens, was in her fifties, and began to feel tired, weak in physical fitness, and overweight, and was shocked when she learned that she had abnormally high blood pressure, according to the British Daily Mail.

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At that time, the woman in her fifties decided to change her lifestyle, do light exercise, and adjust her diet until she began to lose many kilograms.

A year later, her clothing size had gone from a size 16 to an 8, she felt better than ever, walked 6km every day, and no longer needed her blood pressure medication.

Also read: “Non-Hibiscus”… 10 measures to lower blood pressure without medication

Valens said: “It was very shocking to be diagnosed with high blood pressure, I didn’t even know I had this condition, you can’t feel high blood pressure, and that’s the scary part, so seeing the doctor was the wake-up call I needed to turn my life around.” achieve my goal.”

The Australian woman relied on proteins and vegetables in her daily diet, in addition to walking long distances, and then an encouraging result appeared in the first week that prompted her to continue with strength.

In just 3 months, she lost 15 kg, stopped taking her blood pressure medication and walked daily for a long time, and feels better than in the past 25 years.

Valens steered clear of carbs, sugars, and other weight-gaining foods, and was determined to continue her goal.

Valens continued her weight loss journey with only proteins and vegetables, until she lost 27 kilograms, and was able to reduce the amount of meals she was eating, while stopping smoking and soft drinks.

Being overweight is one of the main factors that cause high blood pressure, while walking regularly and a healthy diet play a magical role in treating these problems without the need for medication.

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