Human Medicine holds Medical Congress – ZHN

Zacatecas, Zac.- Within the framework of the International Day to Fight Breast Cancer, the Academic Unit of Human Medicine and Health Sciences held the opening ceremony of the XXII Medical Congress.

In his message, the rector Rubén de Jesús Ibarra Reyes stressed that the university joins the commemoration of this day with academic events, in addition to the fact that these serve to strengthen the students, since they complement the training in the classroom by having speakers. specialists.

He insisted on the prevention and fight against breast cancer, both in women and men, since it brings serious physical and psychological consequences.

On the other hand, the university president, in the presence of the general and academic secretaries, Ángel Román Gutiérrez and Hans Hiram Pacheco García, as well as the coordinator of the Health Sciences Area, Juan Armando Flores de la Torre, invited those present at the Aula Magna “Andreas Vesalius” to follow the university channel on 24.4 open television, which will allow us to go further and transmit the daily activities of the Maximum House of Studies.

The Medical Congress is also held in order to celebrate Doctor’s Day, which is on October 23, as reported by the director of the Academic Unit of Human Medicine and Health Sciences, Rosa Martha Covarrubias Carrillo, who also He stressed that this congress will address various topics on diseases, but also on violence and mental health disorders.

When disclosing figures on mortality in terms of breast cancer, he said that Zacatecas is at a high level, ranking 15th nationally, so it is important to detect it early.

After the inauguration, the authorities signed the Anti-violence Banner, where there will be zero tolerance for all forms of violence, and in which it is written: “Following the Safe University guidelines and Zero Tolerance against bullying and harassment and any form violence in the UAZ, the Equality Committee of the Academic Unit of Human Medicine and Health Sciences, we commit ourselves to follow the provisions of article 129 of the General Statute of the UAZ, which establishes that institutional life, It is developed within the framework of deep respect for equality between women and men, and rejection of all sexual discrimination, of race and of not harassing, not harassing and not discriminating against any member of the university community”.

The XXII Medical Congress will last three days and is carried out in a hybrid way, the conferences are broadcast on Facebook Medicina UAZ

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