Human Rights Teams Urge Biden to Cease Israel’s Arms Shipments Following Worldwide Courtroom Choice – 2024-05-27 00:00:01

United States President Joe Biden. (BETWEEN PHOTOS)

Human rights teams are once more calling on United States (US) President Joe Biden to cease arms shipments to Israel, following the Worldwide Courtroom of Justice’s determination ordering the Israeli authorities to instantly cease its floor offensive on the southern Gaza metropolis of Rafah and permit support into the world.

The US has confronted months of stress to halt army support to Israel because the Palestinian demise toll within the Gaza Strip continues to rise and a humanitarian disaster emerges.

On Friday (24/5), Sarah Leah Whitson, chief of Democracy for the Arab World Now (DAWN) mentioned the Worldwide Courtroom’s order left no ambiguity about what must be completed subsequent, specifically the arms embargo towards Israel.

“Continued US arms shipments to Israel represent a willful violation of the Courtroom’s order and make the federal government complicit in genocide,” he mentioned in an announcement.

Judges on the UN Excessive Courtroom ordered Israel to halt its offensive on the southern Gaza metropolis of Rafah and withdraw its troops from the enclave.
The ICJ additionally ordered Israel to open the Rafah border for the distribution of humanitarian support.

Human rights observers additionally famous that the choice created the premise for the UN Safety Council to take stronger motion towards Israel.

Michael Schaeffer Omer-Man, director of Israel-Palestine analysis at DAWN, mentioned the Worldwide Courtroom of Justice’s determination ought to encourage the US to help the UN Safety Council’s motion to implement the Courtroom’s order earlier than the entire world as Israel’s guarantor.(Aljazeera/P-5)

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