[Hyakusen Renma]Tips for early stage capture | Introducing facilities and research that should prioritize leveling up![Sengoku of the Strong]– Encyclopedia of Strategy


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In this article, the new smartphone game app released on August 30thEfficient way to proceed with “Hyakusen Renma ~ Sengoku of the Strong ~”I will introduce about.

mainlyearly game strategyI will write about it, so please refer to it even if you are just starting out!

Early game tips

It is recommended to start after rerolling!

If there is no resistance, this workIt is recommended to start after rerolling!

The reroll will also proceed smoothly, about 5 minutes per lap.

However, “Hyakusen Renma” offers daily free gachas, and you can get 10 consecutive gacha tickets for each chapter you clear.Gacha is easy to pull even after the game startsis.

Since the gacha emission rate of SSR warlords, which is the highest rarity, is as low as 0.15%,It is also important to finish the reroll at a good pointyou know.

↓ Click here for articles on reroll procedures and recommended characters to draw in reroll ↓

[Hyakusen Renma]The latest and fastest reroll procedure & character ranking for the strongest gacha![Warring States of the Strong]

Let’s proceed with the main mission!

In this work, givenmain missionBy completing all the chapters will be cleared and the game will progress.

If you clear the chapter, you can get luxurious rewards such as gacha tickets and warlords.

With the goal of clearing the main mission, please refer to the following.

Let’s release the contents by raising the hall level!

In this work, not all facilities are released from the beginning,Many contents will become available to play as the hall level rises.

AlsoThe hall level is also the upper limit of the level of other facilitiesFor,Let’s work on the promotion of the hall level with top priority.

It takes time to upgrade the hall, so it is recommended to do it when you can’t stay in for a long time, such as before work or before going to bed.

Upgrade facilities evenly! Which facilities should be prioritized for leveling up?

In addition to resources and items, to level up facilities such as halls,A given facility must be at a certain level.

It would be best if not only the mansion but also other facility levels could be raised evenly.

… butIt takes time to upgrade facilities, and there is a limit to the number of facilities that can be upgraded at once.

It takes a huge amount of time to level up all facilities to the maximum, soFirst of all, please upgrade the following facilities first.

Facilities that should be prioritized for leveling up

① Training facilities for soldiers (Ashigaru Nagaya, Yaba, Maidashi)

②Trap smithing

③The recruiting station

④Transfer office

⑤ Guardhouse

①Soldier training facility

Soldiers’ training facilities include:4 placesthere is.

  • Ashigaru tenement house(infantry)
  • Yaba(archer)
  • horse out(cavalry)
  • blacksmith(Army soldier)

As you level up your soldiers’ training facility, you will be able to train stronger soldiers, and your combat power will be greatly enhanced.

So let’s give priority to the soldier training facility when upgrading the facility.

However, since the early stage does not use military weapons much,It’s okay to postpone leveling up the “blacksmith” for lateris.

②Trap smithing

“Trapsmith”Like the Soldier Training Facility, leveling up will allow you to create stronger traps.

③The recruiting station

“Recruitment Center” increases the training amount and training speed of soldiers by upgrading them.

AlsoIncreases overall combat powerSo don’t forget to level up.

④Transfer office

“Transfer Office”By leveling up, the functions related to the clan (= guild) will be strengthened.

If you upgrade the “agency waiting room”, the number of times and time you can receive help from members will increase.Therefore, it will lead to shortening of time for construction of facilities and research.

⑤ Guardhouse

Strengthening the guardhouse will increase the number of soldiers that can be dispatched at once.

Although it is an indispensable facility to strengthen the fighting powerIn the first place, if there are no soldiers, they cannot be dispatched, so priority is given to leveling up each training facility.is.

What is “immediate promotion”? Be careful here when you do!

“Immediate promotion”is a way to quickly complete a level up using acceleration items or silver coins.

Normally, carpenters take time to level up, so there is a limit to the number of carpenters that can be upgraded at once.

HoweverIt is possible to complete the promotion regardless of the number of carpenters by performing “immediate promotion”So very convenient.

howeverIf you don’t do “immediate promotion” carefully, you may waste acceleration items and silver coins, so be careful.

If you can “immediately upgrade” for free, do it immediately

When the facility level is 1 or 2, “immediate promotion” is possible for freeSo, let’s go hard if it’s free.

“Do you allow overtime? ]uncheck

“Do you allow overtime? ]for example, a 2.5 hour upgrade will require 3 hours worth of acceleration items.

This is a waste of 30 minutes of acceleration time, which is very wasteful.

“Do you allow overtime? ]it is possible to use acceleration items more finelyIt becomes.

However, even in this case, the free acceleration time of 6 minutes is not considered,If you want to save more acceleration items, we recommend using acceleration items manually instead of “immediate promotion”.

Avoid promotion using silver coins

If you don’t have an acceleration item, you can use “silver coins” to immediately complete the level up.

butSilver coins are also used to purchase resources and give various buffs, so it is strictly prohibited to waste money when playing without paying.

Which research/lord skills should be prioritized?

schoolNow let’s take a look at the mystery“Research”You can get various buffs by doing.

The “research” that you want to prioritize from the beginning is“development”relationship.

Let’s proceed with the research that increases the speed of building construction, marching / marching value recovery, etc. as soon as possible.

Obtained when the player’s level increases“Skill points”teeth,“Lord Skill”is required to free the

Just like with research, “Lord Skills” also give you buffs when you release them.

“Lord skills” are all excellent, but especiallyWar → Immediate Returncan be used, so let’s release it as soon as possible.

[Hyakusen Renma ~Warring States of the Strong~]

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What should you do every day?

In this work, it is important to move facilities and units to level up.

It is best if you can log in frequently to raise the salary of facilities and train and research soldiers.

facilities that can be moved“List” tab on the left side of the home screenIt’s convenient to be able to check it all at once, so please take advantage of it.

Along with internal affairs,Let’s also consume the following stamina that recovers over time.

  • Used when doing a puzzle battle in the study“vitality”
  • Used for activities outside the castle“Departure value”

In addition, don’t forget to do the following.

  • draw free gacha
  • Receive login gift
  • Receive “Daily Receipt” and “Reputation Daily Gift” from “Reputation”
  • Receive bonuses in “Large Purchases”
  • receive online gifts

draw free gacha

“Advanced Recruitment” can be drawn once every 2 days, and “Normal Recruitment” can be drawn for free 5 times a day.

It is important to note that the free gacha of “Normal Recruitment” has a cooldown of 5 minutes when you draw it once.

Receive login gift

Screen top right “Event” → “Newcomer 7 days login”must be received manually.

Receive “Daily Receipt” and “Reputation Daily Gift” from “Reputation”

Next to the icon on the top left of the home screen “Numou” → “Daily receipt”from,“Nominal value”you can receive

By accumulating “Reputation Value”, the Reputation level will rise, and the “Reputation Daily Gift” you can receive will be gorgeous.

Receive bonuses in “Large Purchases”

On the upper right of the screen “Large size purchase” → “Direct trading store” tabYou can receive a bonus once a day from

receive online gifts

As you play online, you will receive gifts over time.

If you do not receive the gift, the countdown to the next gift will not start, so please check frequently while online.

Elements that are often overlooked

Buff acquired by changing the lord avatar!

As you progress through the game,new lord avatarmay be obtained.

You can get a buff by changing to the lord avatar you got in the game.

You can change the lord avatar from the icon on the upper left of the screen.

Don’t forget to apply for “Aid” for clan members!

You can apply for “help” from clan members when performing 3 things: facility promotion, research, and treatment.

If the members help me, it saves time.

Requests for aid will be displayed on the facility after leveling up the facility or starting research/treatment.handshake markto do so.

In addition, for clan members to apply for assistance,The mark displayed above the “agency counter”Tap to do it all at once.

[Hyakusen Renma ~Sengoku of the Strong~]Summary of Early Stage Strategy

In this article, smartphone gamesEfficient early stage capture methodI introduced about.

Summary of tips for early game strategy

  • It is recommended to start after resetting
  • Let’s proceed with the main mission
  • Raise the hall level to release content
  • Upgrade facilities evenly!Leveling up prioritizes soldier training facilities
  • Do not use silver coins in “immediate promotion” and do not allow overtime
  • Research is related to “development”,
    The lord skill prioritizes “war”
  • do what you have to do every day

Summary of things to do every day

  • Log in frequently and move the facility
  • Consumes stamina such as “vitality” and “advance value”
  • draw free gacha
  • Receive login gift
  • Receive “Daily Receipt” and “Reputation Daily Gift” from “Reputation”
  • Receive bonuses in “Large Purchases”
  • receive online gifts

reroll articleThere is also, so please use it as a reference.

[Hyakusen Renma ~Warring States of the Strong~]

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Sponsered by Six Waves Inc.

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