“I wasn’t very comfortable”: they reveal details of the departure of Antonella Ríos from Me Late Prime

This Sunday night Sergio Rojas and Paula Escobar broadcast their program live I tell youwhere they revealed that Antonella Ríos will no longer continue as a panelist in Me Late Prime.

The actress was on vacation in the United States, however, after her arrival in the country, the journalist confirmed the news of the expansionist’s departure.

“I don’t know the details, I haven’t been able to talk to Antonella, but I don’t know anything. The only information I handle today is that Antonella Ríos does not continue in the program, ”Rojas explained at the beginning.

Along the same lines, he added that “I understand that everything is in very good terms, I understand that it is a decision that she made after her trip to the United States.”

Rojas explained that Antonella had a doorstep meeting with Daniel Fuenzalida, the host of the program. “She decided to step aside, she must have another type of projection or need in terms of work,” Sergio continued.

For his part, Escobar complemented Rojas’ statements by giving other details about the actress’s departure from the program.

“She was not very happy, she was not very comfortable. Antonella likes to expand, she is educated, she knows many things and she felt that she did not have enough space to be able to develop an idea or a point of view”.

Likewise, Escobar added that “in addition to the fact that his times were no longer the same, and friction began to arise with the production of ‘Me Late’, so it is a decision that he had been chewing on for a long time, to step aside and now it gave”.

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