“I will be beaten up by Hiroyuki,” patent attorney Maki Seto announced on February 10, “Young women are not hired as regular employees” tweets for and against | Gadget Communication GetNews

On February 5, Maki Seto, a patent attorney, posted on Twitter

A large company like Sushiro is unlikely to go bankrupt even if a customer is terrorized.
In a private store, if part-time job terrorism or customer terrorism is hit, the store may go out of business.

So, I will open a restaurant next week, but to be honest, I am not active in hiring high school and university students as part-timers.

And tweeted about the topical conveyor belt sushi nuisance video. about 30 minutes later

I’m ready to criticize, but I don’t hire young women as full-time employees because I would be in trouble if they left the company for longevity or took maternity leave or childcare leave.
I really want to hire you and I feel sorry for you, but a small company like ours doesn’t have the energy to hire them.

I would like to see a government subsidy for this kind of thing.

continued. Although there was some criticism, there were also many voices who expressed their understanding of the actual situation as a manager of a small and medium-sized enterprise, as if it was their true intentions.

On February 9, “ENCOUNT”

“Young women are not hired as regular employees” Post by a female president ready to go up in flames

Seto’s interview article was published.

The article was also distributed to Yahoo!, and as of noon on the 10th, more than 5,500 comments were received.
Around 10:30 am on the 10th, Mr. Seto

I will be performing live on Avepura from 21:00 today.

I’m being beaten up by Hiroyuki

He tweeted, and posted an image of the scheduled performers on February 10, including Hiroyuki, Toshinao Sasaki, Hamashaka, and Yashiro Azuki.
Will Hiroyuki “bump him up”, or conversely will he be defended? Today’s Avepra is a must-see.

*Image from Twitter

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