If you want to lose weight on Eid.. 6 tips to boost metabolism and burn fat

There are many easy and effective ways to increase Metabolism And burning fat, most of which involve making simple changes in diet and lifestyle, in this report we offer 6 tips to boost metabolism and the process of burning fat, according to the website “health“.

How to increase metabolism?

Metabolism often means your basal metabolic rate, which means the number of calories you burn at rest. The higher your basal metabolic rate, the more likely you are to burn calories at rest. There are several factors that influence it, including your age, diet, gender, body size, and health.

1. Eat plenty of protein at every meal

Eating can have a temporary effect on your metabolism and can increase it for a few hours. It’s called the thermic effect of food (TEF), which is the extra calories required to digest and process the food in your meal.

Since protein is known to cause the largest rise in TEF It can also boost your metabolism.

2. Drink more water

People who drink more water and avoid any sugary drinks are actually more successful at losing weight because it automatically reduces calorie intake but did you know that drinking water can speed up your metabolism? It actually fills you up and you end up eating less.

3. Do a high intensity workout

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) helpsHIIT), which includes intense bursts of activity, burns more fat and increases metabolic rate.

4. Drink green tea

Several research studies have shown that green tea helps increase metabolism and burn fat because it helps convert some of the fat stored in the body into free fatty acids. Moreover, it is very low in calories, thus drinking it is beneficial for both weight loss and weight maintenance.

5. Eat spicy foods

Since pepper contains capsaicin, a compound that can boost metabolism, eating spicy foods can be beneficial for weight loss. However, most people cannot tolerate the spice, and can combine it with metabolic-boosting strategies.

6. Get a good sleep

Lack of sleep is directly linked to an increased risk of obesity. Sleep deprivation not only slows your metabolic rate, but also increases blood sugar levels and insulin resistance. If you don’t sleep well at night, you also tend to eat more food and automatically consume more calories, thus reducing your chances of losing weight.

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