“I’m not a fan of Johnny, I prefer Sardou”, the new buyer of the house in Marnes-la-Coquette lets go!

Unfortunately for Laeticia Hallyday, on the death of her late husband, the latter was forced to part with a large number of her real estate assets! The reason ? Jade and Joy’s mother must now repay the tax debts left by Johnny Hallyday! So, after selling his home in Pacific Palisades (Los Angeles), it’s the turn of the villa in Marnes-la-Coquette, Johnny’s last home, to find a new buyer!

Thus, according to information from Marianne, a businessman would have come forward to make an offer. The businessman and merchant Pierre Reynaud would indeed have offered the sum of 8,450,000 euros to the widow of the rocker to buy this villa called “La Savannah”. An offer that Jalil Lespert’s companion would have accepted according to a letter from Sotheby’s dated June 14, 2022.

Pierre Reynaud, “not a fan” of Johnny

Asked by Challenges, Pierre Reynaud has let it be known that he does not intend to make this villa his main place of life. This residence of 900 m2 will therefore be his “weekend home” to rest there.

“I’m not a fan of Johnny, I prefer Sardou! »added the businessman… A strange confidence!

See also: Joy, Johnny Hallyday’s youngest daughter, makes a heartbreaking call for help on TikTok: she can’t mourn…

Lisa Ziane

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