Important benefits.. 7 reasons why you should add lemon to drinking water

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Many nutritionists recommend drinking "lemon water"Because of its great benefits for the health of the body, including:

body hydration

  • Moisturizing Proper water intake is essential for overall health, but our bodies require a lot of it throughout the day, and getting enough water can be tricky if you’re someone who needs a little flavor in their drinks, which means it’s easy to get dehydrated without feeling dehydrated. realize that.
  • Dehydration affects the human body negatively, and its most prominent effects are mood changes, high temperature, and difficulty concentrating.
  • Lemon water helps prevent dehydration with every sip, giving you a greater chance of getting all the benefits of proper hydration, including increased energy and heart health support..

source for"Vitamin C"

  • Hot lemon water is a great source of vitamin C, which is essential for your overall health.
  • Vitamin C helps support and strengthen the body’s immune system, thus protecting you from colds and viruses.
  • The vitamin helps strengthen cartilage, bones and teeth.
  • helps Vitamin C Your body builds collagen, and skin wounds heal safely.

Nutrition experts note that adding half a lemon to a few ounces of water can meet up to one sixth of the recommended daily dose of vitamin C.

Adding fresh lemon juice to cold water (or even filling some ice cube trays with lemon water) is a step that can make a big difference..

Reducing the risk of kidney stones

  • maybe you can be Kidney stones It is very painful and affects the urinary system, and there are many reasons behind it, most notably dehydration.
  • Drinking more water throughout the day can help reduce your risk of dehydration and related kidney stones, but lemon water takes you one step further.
  • The citric acid in lemon water contains citrate, which helps support a healthy pH in urine.
  • And nutrition experts note the need to speak with a doctor or nutritionist, "Before trying to treat kidney stones with lemon water or other citrus fruits, according to the website "Women’s Vol".

source of potassium

Longer organizing levels potassium Maintaining a healthy body is important, because potassium contributes to the health of many essential systems, including the heart and muscles.

  • Early signs of low potassium include abnormal heartbeats and contractions, and these symptoms can increase and become more worrying if left untreated.
  • This is just another reason why you should want to add lemon to the water you drink, being rich in potassium, it will boost and supplement its levels in the body..

Weight loss

  • Lemon water won’t help you lose weight on its own, but it does "healthy swap "For sugary drinks, which often contribute to obesity.
  • By replacing your morning juice or sweet coffee in the afternoon with lemon water, you will reduce your sugar intake and help your body lose weight.

clear skin

  • There are many ways that lemon water can help you get clear skin.
  • Proper hydration keeps skin healthy, by regulating sebum (sebum) levels, and detoxifying your skin’s natural microbiome.
  • Sebum is a waxy, oily substance produced by the sebaceous glands, and is the primary component of the body’s natural oils. During hormonal or environmental changes, your skin may overproduce sebum, which can contribute to oily skin and clogged pores.
  • When you drink enough water, you help balance your fat production.
  • Lemon water contains vitamin C, which helps protect the body from germs and viruses, both on the surface of the skin and under it, and it also supports collagen production.
  • Lemon water also helps protect the surface of the skin from the appearance of fine lines or wrinkles.

Increase energy levels

The hydration provided by lemon water helps you feel more energized, without crashing in the middle of the day or feeling the other harmful side effects of sweet drinks and caffeine.

Lemon water is important for hydration, being full of flavonoids and B vitamins, which can boost energy production in the body, and help it absorb iron (when iron levels drop, you may feel tired, so the absorption of Iron It is vital to provide you with energy throughout the day).


Many nutritionists recommend drinkinglemon waterBecause of its great benefits for the health of the body, including:

body hydration

  • Moisturizing Proper water intake is essential for overall health, but our bodies require a lot of it throughout the day, and getting enough water can be tricky if you’re someone who needs a little flavor in their drinks, which means it’s easy to get dehydrated without feeling dehydrated. realize that.
  • Dehydration affects the human body negatively, and its most prominent effects are mood changes, high temperature, and difficulty concentrating.
  • Lemon water helps prevent dehydration with every sip, giving you a greater chance of getting all the benefits of proper hydration, including increased energy and heart health support..

source of vitamin C

  • Hot lemon water is a great source of vitamin C, which is essential for your overall health.
  • Vitamin C helps support and strengthen the body’s immune system, thus protecting you from colds and viruses.
  • The vitamin helps strengthen cartilage, bones and teeth.
  • helps Vitamin C Your body builds collagen, and skin wounds heal safely.

Nutrition experts note that adding half a lemon to a few ounces of water can meet up to one sixth of the recommended daily dose of vitamin C.

Adding fresh lemon juice to cold water (or even filling some ice cube trays with lemon water) is a step that can make a big difference..

Reducing the risk of kidney stones

  • maybe you can be Kidney stones It is very painful and affects the urinary system, and there are many reasons behind it, most notably dehydration.
  • Drinking more water throughout the day can help reduce your risk of dehydration and related kidney stones, but lemon water takes you one step further.
  • The citric acid in lemon water contains citrate, which helps support a healthy pH in urine.
  • Nutrition experts note the need to speak with a doctor or nutritionist, “before trying to treat kidney stones with lemon water or other citrus fruits, according to the “Women’s World” website.

source of potassium

Longer organizing levels potassium Maintaining a healthy body is important, because potassium contributes to the health of many essential systems, including the heart and muscles.

  • Early signs of low potassium include abnormal heartbeats and contractions, and these symptoms can increase and become more worrying if left untreated.
  • This is just another reason why you should want to add lemon to the water you drink, being rich in potassium, it will boost and supplement its levels in the body..

Weight loss

  • Lemon water won’t help you lose weight on its own, but it’s a “healthy swap” for sugary drinks, which often contribute to obesity.
  • By replacing your morning juice or sweet coffee in the afternoon with lemon water, you will reduce your sugar intake and help your body lose weight.

clear skin

  • There are many ways that lemon water can help you get clear skin.
  • Proper hydration keeps skin healthy, by regulating sebum (sebum) levels, and detoxifying your skin’s natural microbiome.
  • Sebum is a waxy, oily substance produced by the sebaceous glands, and is the primary component of the body’s natural oils. During hormonal or environmental changes, your skin may overproduce sebum, which can contribute to oily skin and clogged pores.
  • When you drink enough water, you help balance your fat production.
  • Lemon water contains vitamin C, which helps protect the body from germs and viruses, both on the surface of the skin and under it, and it also supports collagen production.
  • Lemon water also helps protect the surface of the skin from the appearance of fine lines or wrinkles.

Increase energy levels

The hydration provided by lemon water helps you feel more energized, without crashing in the middle of the day or feeling the other harmful side effects of sweet drinks and caffeine.

Lemon water is important for hydration, being full of flavonoids and B vitamins, which can boost energy production in the body, and help it absorb iron (when iron levels drop, you may feel tired, so the absorption of Iron It is vital to provide you with energy throughout the day).

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