Important Information for Entering the Stadium: E-Ticket, ID, and Mobility Pass Required

2023-10-26 20:46:01



Ticket sales only for the Colo-Colo public.

Children pay from 3 years old.

We inform the public that the schedules may be subject to last minute changes, due to acts of God or force majeure, that arise as a result of the country situation. The above is done following order and notice from the ANFP and is with the objective of safeguarding the safety of attendees and ensuring that the event takes place in optimal conditions.

Terms and conditions of use. Electronic tickets (hereinfollowing E-Tickets) and Tickets are issued by Punto Ticket at the expense and order of the event organizer. Punto Ticket is not the organizer, producer and/or promoter of the event to which the E-Tickets and Tickets correspond. Punto Ticket only facilitates the acquisition of E-Tickets and Tickets, limiting itself to providing payment and verification of their authenticity at the time of presentation for entry to the event. Likewise, the use of E-Tickets and Tickets are subject to the following General Terms and Conditions:
1.-E-Tickets and Tickets may be presented only once to enter the event and will only be considered valid to enter the event as long as they have been purchased through Punto Ticket.
2.- Entry to this event may be denied if the E-Ticket or Ticket is damaged or defaced in such a way that it is not possible to read the barcode contained therein.
3.- Entry to the event may be denied if the E-Ticket or Ticket is presented for the second time to enter the event.
4.- If the date of the event changes, the ticket will be valid for the new date set by the organizer. If an event is cancelled, the organizer will have a period of 90 days from the date scheduled for the event to refund the ticket price.
5.- The organizer of the event reserves the exercise of the right of admission and permanence.
6.- Tickets may not be resold, nor may they be given commercial or promotional use.
IMPORTANT: If you purchase more than one E-Ticket, remember to show it separately from your cell phone. Each E-Ticket or Ticket has a unique barcode. Do not acquire or purchase the E-Ticket or Tickets from resellers, since if there are several copies of the same E-Ticket or Tickets you will be denied access to the event. The E-Ticket and Ticket itself are non-transferable and the data contained therein must correspond to that of the person entering the stadium at that time, which must also be verified with the identity card.
By purchasing an E-Ticket or Ticket via email, you agree that your credit card, debit card or checking account will be charged the amount corresponding to the purchase of the E-Ticket or Ticket.
WARNING: If you misuse the E-ticket, adulterating it or printing more than one copy, in addition to not being able to enter the stadium, the right of admission will be exercised for all subsequent matches that the Club organizes and also those played on a visit. , since the ticket is associated with a single route and a single entry.

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