Improving economy should be priority of new government: Independent Urdu Survey

To be held in Pakistan on February 8, 2024 Election year A clear majority of those who participated in an online survey by Independent Urdu to find out the public opinion about the new government said that the first priority of the new government should be correctness in the country’s economy.

More than 2,000 people over the age of 18 expressed their opinion in the survey, of which the majority (88.9 percent) were men, while the proportion of women was only 11.1 percent.

The question included in the survey, what should be the priority of the new government? In response, 73.2 percent of the people said that the economy should be the priority of the government formed as a result of the February 8 elections. According to 11.7 percent, foreign policy should be the priority of the new government, while public order should be a priority according to 9.4 percent.

Among the Independent Urdu survey participants, the highest opinion was given by people between the age group of 26 to 40 years, with a ratio of 53.5 percent. The proportion of participants aged 18 to 25 years was 25.2% and the proportion of people above 41 years of age was 21.3%.

Which political party is capable of improving the economy?

According to the majority in the survey, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf has the ability to improve the poor economic situation of the country. The ratio of such people was 71.1 percent while according to 16.4 percent, Muslim League-N can improve the economy.

According to the survey, the People’s Party did not get much support in this regard, however, 9.3 percent of the people on the third place rated other political parties better in this regard. Survey participants could not name a political party when describing others, so it was not known which party they meant by others.

Most of the female participants voted in favor of Tehreek-e-Insaaf, followed by Muslim League-N and the rest of the women voted in favor of other parties.

Which country should build the best relationship with?

In the survey of Independent Urdu, on the additional question related to foreign policy, which country should the new government formed in Islamabad develop the best relations with? Majority i.e. 38.8% opined that Pakistan should prefer to remain neutral.

However, 27.2 percent of respondents from China, the United States, Russia, India, and the Middle East considered good relations with China important, while 15.6 percent said they should develop good relations with Russia and 5 percent said they should develop good relations with the Middle East. Contrary to expectations, America did not get many votes in this regard.

This section contains related reference points (Related Nodes field).

Interested in voting

The most positive aspect of the survey is the clear majority showing commitment to exercise their right to vote. 86 percent of the people surveyed said they would cast their vote on February 8, but 10 percent showed no interest in voting.

Since this survey was conducted online, the participants are those who have internet access. The largest number of participating voters in the survey i.e. 54.6% people belonged to Punjab, 12% from Sindh and 20.7% from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

The participation of people in this survey from Islamabad was at the rate of 7.4 percent. Participation from Balochistan and other regions was less.

Will the elections lead to an improvement in the situation?

Through this survey, Independent Urdu tried to find out the opinion of the people whether the February 8 elections will lead to improvement in the political and economic situation of the country or not. Opinions appeared to be almost evenly divided among the three options given to participants.

According to 40 percent of people, the general elections on February 8 will lead to improvement, while on the contrary, 33.8 percent believed that the situation will not improve due to these elections. 26.2 The participants said that they do not have an opinion about it i.e. they do not know whether the situation will be better or worse.

Survey details

Independent Urdu conducted the survey itself under the supervision of the Board of Directors, whose sole purpose was to assess the general preferences of the voters.

The personal opinions or information of the participants in this survey will not be shared with any other organization. Email addresses will not be used for any other purpose as a result of participating in this survey.

An accurate reflection of public opinion?

It is not possible to poll every single person in any country, so organizations only poll a few hundred or a few thousand people to get general opinions and trends.

The survey forms for this survey of Independent Urdu will be shared on social media platforms. Participation was voluntary, but the participation of two thousand people is considered a reliable sample (sample size) in the world of research. A survey of 2,000 people has an error rate of 2 to 3 percent.

#Improving #economy #priority #government #Independent #Urdu #Survey
2024-08-12 13:24:41



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