Improving Health and Extending Life: The Benefits of Walking and Recommended Daily Steps

2023-10-03 11:48:51

A few weeks ago, famous medical organizations and recognized health professionals in the world were alerted due to a study published by the journal BMJ Oncology, which indicated an increase in the incidence of tumors in the population under 50 years of age. They assured that this situation has increased by 79%.

Experts point out that unhealthy lifestyle habits, poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle are the main reasons that trigger this pathology. Not exercising results in diseases such as obesity, high cholesterol, strokes, among others.

Muscle strengthening is key in advanced age. | Photo: picture-alliance / dpa

Recommended exercise to extend life expectancy

Including exercise in your daily routine can improve blood pressure, cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart attack. According to the Dial portal, physical activities should be carried out to help the heart rest more rested.

You can choose to walk, because in addition to being an aerobic exercise, it also burns fat and calories compared to other exercises. In addition, it activates the cardiovascular system and helps eliminate cholesterol that is harmful to the body.

Running is an exercise that increases resistance, although at a certain age it is better to avoid it and opt for walking or moving at a brisk pace. | Photo: Carlos Alvarez

¿Is it better to walk or run?

Cardiologists do not doubt that walking is healthier than running. According to the Cardiavant portal, brisk walking can be more beneficial than running, since there is less wear and tear on the body and there is also less risk of injury.

Walking also reduces the risk of hypertension by about 7.2%, compared to the reduction of this disease with running, which is only 4.2%.

The portal ensures that patients who have suffered a cardiac event should apply light-paced steps to their daily routine and combine them with a balanced and healthy diet.

Old age is a stage in which diseases become more evident. If you maintain a healthy pace, you can reach that age healthier. | Photo: Peter Dazeley

How much should you walk?

It is important that before modifying your routine, consult with a health professional and a specialist in this matter, to find out if this exercise is suitable for your health.

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