Improving Oral Health for People at Risk: Health Dent Ment

2023-10-10 06:02:25

The project “Health Dent Ment”, winner of the GD Proyecto Solidario 2023 Award, is a local initiative of the Dentistas Sobre Ruedas Foundation of the Coloma Vidal Solidarity Dental Clinic.

This project It was launched in November 2022thanks to the “First Call for Aid to Social Projects of the Othman Ktiri Foundation”, with the purpose of address the oral treatment and oral health promotion needs of people at risk of social exclusion and with mental disorders in Mallorca.

In the case of people with TM, the frequency of cavities is quite high due to behavioral changes, which prevent us from knowing the need for oral care both in hygiene and in clinical care. It is also due to the motor difficulty in performing adequate oral hygiene already the adverse effects caused by medications that they take to control psychiatric symptoms.

Till the date 75 people with different types of mental disorders have been treated, 29% men and 75% women with an average age of 51 years. From them, 41.3% have required extractions of multiple teeth and 50.66% have required removable prostheses..

The relationship between oral and mental health is often forgotten and yet, There are several associations that exist between them. Recent studies and systematic reviews find a connection between periodontal diseases and Alzheimer’s.

Likewise, the inverse association has been demonstrated, that is, the effect that deteriorated mental health, such as depression, can have on oral health. which can have a great impact on the worsening of oral health. It is necessary to accompany these people and their family members/guardians so that they try to maintain the habit of daily brushing with fluoride toothpaste, follow a healthy diet, eliminate tobacco and alcohol, and make regular visits to the dentist. to help prevent oral pathologies and improve your self-esteem.

A healthy and aesthetic smile not only increases a person’s self-esteem and confidence, but it also positively affects your social life and mood.

#Salud #Dent #Ment #project #promoting #emotional #wellbeing #oral #care #Mallorca

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