Improving Oral Health in France: Calls for Action and Public Consultation

2023-06-09 15:51:32

“Oral health: the French deserve better”. This is the title of manifest published on June 8 by the Comident and the French Dental Association. In 2013, the General Inspectorate of Social Affairs declared “France is sailing without a pilot on oral health”. “Ten years later, the situation remains unchanged: despite an agreement signed in 2018 by the unions (CDF and UD) and Health Insurance with the application in particular of “100% health”, France still does not have a dental strategy. This is why the two organizations are today calling on the public authorities to move forward on the subject. And throw in passing a large-scale consultation to give the floor to the French.

First of all, caries is not the only problem in dentistry, recalls the manifesto. Periodontal diseases, which are often preventable, affect 50% of the adult population and, along with other oral pathologies, constitute risk or aggravation factors for diabetes, certain cancers, cardiovascular diseases or even Alzheimer’s disease. . »

To better take care of the French, the Comident and the ADF call for bringing together the action of the different layers of the Administration and for giving more resources to the ARS, the CPAMs and school medicine in the territories. “Finally, it would be desirable for Public Health France to systematically integrate oral health into its actions, when we know that prevention is a major lever for its improvement. »

Collect action proposals online

« The design and implementation of a real public oral health policy must go through the definition of ambitious objectives in terms of oral health, especially for people with specific needs such as the elderly, in of disability or social vulnerability, declares Pierre-Yves le Maout, president of the Comident.

« These objectives must be associated with indicators and regular evaluation. The management of this strategy, from its design to its deployment, must be ensured by a governance body bringing together the stakeholders of the sector, for better coordination of efforts. This strategy involving the State over the long term is the only condition for a significant improvement in the overall health of the French add Julien Laupie and Doniphan Hammer, general secretaries of the ADF.

The manifesto is completed by the launch of an online consultation platform, accessible to all. The aim is to collect contributions from the public and to bring forward proposals for action. Concretely, Internet users are invited to share their situation, their needs and their ideas around access to care, financing of the latter, professional demography, chronic diseases, nutrition, oral pathologies – aggravated dental, precariousness, prevention… The system will be extended by the organization of the Oral Health General States on the occasion of the ADF 2023 congress.

#Comident #ADF #sign #manifesto #overhaul #public #action

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