In “Alerts”, “Mégantic” and “Indefensible”: Éric Robidoux is not idle

Caméléon is the qualifier that best suits Éric Robidoux. After having made his mark in the theater and in contemporary dance, the actor has stood out for several years thanks to the diversity of the roles he carries into our living rooms.

Very busy in 2022, Éric Robidoux remains active at the start of the year as he continues the tour of the play “Le roman de Monsieur Molière” for four last performances, by February 9.

He is also working on a “very personal” fiction project with his friend Jean-François Leblanc, who is a director. A producer supports the duo and a broadcaster has been approached. So story to follow. “It’s very embryonic, but we plan 10 episodes and the series could continue for three seasons.”

You can see Éric Robidoux in the third season of “Alertes”, on TVA, in which he slips into the skin of psychocriminologist Hugo Champagne, the new lover of Captain Duquette (Sophie Prégent).

“Things are brewing for Hugo this winter. He is curious about pathologies and he has an instinctive intelligence, so he is interested in an arsonist to feed his knowledge of individuals. He goes so far as to put himself in their shoes. He goes quite far in there and Stéphanie will be a little colder with him, ”he said in an interview with the QMI Agency.

In addition, he will soon be back in the daily “Indéfendable”, in which he plays Laurent Bissonnette, a colleague of Sara (Catherine Renaud), the wife of Léo MacDonald (Sébastien Delorme). “Sara is going to tempt the devil a little, because Leo is not often there. Sara and Laurent are colleagues, it’s rather platonic between them, but they spend time together.

Featured in “Mégantic”

Éric Robidoux will also shine in the most anticipated series of the year, “Mégantic”, which will be available on Club illico starting February 9. He plays a survivor of the Musi-Café during the rail tragedy of July 6, 2013.

“It’s so well written, sensitive. It’s a commitment that was total and it made sense to do this project, in my heart and in my cultural references. It’s a project that we did out of respect for these brave people.”

It does not stop there for its commitments. He will play a lawyer who pleads before the Supreme Court for the right to abortion in “Disobeir: Chantale Daigle’s choice”, which will be available on Crave on March 8. “I had pages and pages to learn at the same time as the text of ‘Molière’. It was quite incredible as a memory game. I understood why people asked me if I had ever played a lawyer!”

After having distinguished himself in “Motel Paradis”, in “Cerebrum 2” and in “Les mecs 3” last year, Éric will also be in “Contre-offre”, on Noovo, and he will return to “5e rang ” on the side of ICI Télé. In short, challenges abound for the 42-year-old, who has lived off his art for 18 years.

Saying he loves “deep characters and auteur cinema” as much as the “sport of filming on TV”, he would eventually like to do fewer different roles at the same time and land one or two more important roles, which he would even develop further.

“I like to play the hotheads like in “Motel Paradis” on Club illico. I like it to be diverse, on so many levels. Fathers, assholes, winners or losers, I find it fascinating, it’s very beautiful on the part of my peers to think of me and trust me.

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