In Niger, ECOWAS sanctions cause a shortage of medicines

2024-01-30 22:34:27

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In Niger, ECOWAS sanctions against Niger have now lasted for more than 6 months. The closure of borders with several neighboring states is the greatest difficulty experienced by this landlocked country. A shortage of several drugs has been plaguing Niger for months, an unbearable situation for many patients in the country. Stocks are running low and pharmacists cannot find an alternative.

Also in summary, lhe visit of the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court to Chad. Karim Khan was on the ground on the border with Sudan where he met refugees from Darfur. The ICC prosecutor who gave an interview to France 24 denounced crimes committed by the two belligerents. Mamadou Djimtebaye and Clarisse Fortuné.

In the Central African Republic, cross-border transhumance continues to be at the heart of conflicts. Located in the heart of the continent, this country covers an area of ​​623,000 km2 and has several million hectares of largely underexploited pastures. It constitutes one of the essential areas for the survival of livestock in the sub-region. But the cross-border transhumance which is observed each year during the dry season between Cameroon, Chad and the Central African Republic is at the origin of numerous conflicts between breeders and farmers. Reporting by Rolf Steve Domia-Leu and Melino Bandio.

In Togo, a web series is generating unprecedented enthusiasm on social networks. “Ahoé” tells the story of Eli, a young Togolese living in Paris, who returns to his native land after a decade of absence for his mother’s funeral. African content in local languages ​​is booming on social networks. Report Emmanuelle SODJI and Raphaël NTALÉ.

#Niger #ECOWAS #sanctions #shortage #medicines

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