In pictures, this is how Dalida, the wife of the star Ramy Ayyash, celebrated his birthday

Fashion designer Dalida Ayyash celebrated the birthday of her husband, the artist Rami Ayash She posted a set of photos through her official account on the social networking site “Instagram” and congratulated her husband on this occasion, which she described as very happy for all family members.

In the three pictures, Dalida and her two sons, Aram and Naya, appeared separately with Umm Ayyash.

Dalida commented on the pictures: “Happy birthday to our beloved, who has a big heart, Abu Aram.. You are our best blessing, and the most beautiful gift.. I love you, Aram, Ayana Baby A.”

A large number of Dalida and Rami Ayyash’s followers interacted with the photos and transmitted them through the social media, and they wished Ramy a happy life with his family, and they congratulated him on his birthday, wishing him long life, health and success.

On the other hand, on the technical level, the short series “Al Ain in the Eye” begins today, starring Ramy Ayyash, Cyrine Abdel Nour, and a number of other artists.

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