In the event of a gas shortage this winter in Belgium, here are the first places that should suffer a cut

A new restricted ministerial council (kern) is meeting this evening to discuss new measures to help deal with energy prices. If the country were to run out of gas this winter, there would be an emergency plan updated by our colleagues from Le Soir.

Businesses and administrations remain the first to be affected by any restrictions. Indeed, if there is a lack of gas this yesterday: small, medium and large companies, schools, administrations, cultural venues will be the first to have to suffer any cuts. Not individuals.

Energetic expectations for Ursula von der Leyen’s State of the Union address

Another important meeting today: at the European Parliament. Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, delivers her State of the Union address. She should take the opportunity to present the emergency measures proposed by the commission to stem the surge in prices. Proposal that European energy ministers have asked him to prepare as soon as possible. Mrs Von der Leyen already revealed last week to the Twenty-Seven the main lines of the emergency measures that she must refine with a view to a new extraordinary meeting of the Council of Ministers of Energy, on September 30. This should go through a reduction in electricity demand, with binding targets for peak hours, in order to have a positive effect on prices.

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