In the video, lightning strikes kill two people near the White House

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site said "Fox News" The American said that a couple from Wisconsin, aged 75 and 76, died of their injuries as a result of lightning that struck in a yard. "Lafayette"located north White House.

White House Press Secretary Karen Jean-Pierre said in a statement: "We are saddened by the tragic loss of life after Thunderbolt In Lafayette Square".

added: "Our hearts go out to the families who have lost loved ones, and we pray for those who are still struggling to survive".

revealed "Fox News" That two other people were seriously injured, and they are currently "in critical condition".

Scientists say that Climate change Increases the likelihood of lightning strikes in the United States.

The National Weather Service said that the weather The hot and humid conditions in Washington DC on Thursday lead to increased electricity consumption. The temperature exceeded 34 degrees Celsius, three degrees Celsius more than the highest normal temperature the country has seen in 30 years.

It can lead to high Temperatures To increase the humidity in the atmosphere and increase the wind speed, which are two main factors for the formation of charged particles, which leads to the occurrence of lightning.

An important study published in 2014 in the journal "science" The number of lightning bolts could increase by 50 percent this century in the United States, as each additional degree of temperature means the number of lightning bolts will rise by 12 percent.

and saw Alaskawhere temperatures are rising rapidly, has seen a 17 percent increase in lightning activity since the cooler 1980s.

And in the state of CaliforniaThe city, whose weather is usually dry, caused about 14,000 lightning strikes during August 2020 to erupt some of the largest Forest fires in the state at all.


The American “Fox News” website said that a Wisconsin couple, aged 75 and 76, died of their injuries after the lightning strike in Lafayette Square, north of White House.

White House Press Secretary Karen Jean-Pierre said in a statement: “We are saddened by the tragic loss of life after… Thunderbolt in Lafayette Square.

“Our thoughts are with the families who have lost loved ones, and we pray for those who are still struggling to survive,” she added.

And “Fox News” revealed that two other people were seriously injured, and they are currently “in critical condition.”

Scientists say that Climate change Increases the likelihood of lightning strikes in the United States.

The National Weather Service said that the weather The hot and humid conditions in Washington DC on Thursday lead to increased electricity consumption. The temperature exceeded 34 degrees Celsius, three degrees Celsius more than the highest normal temperature the country has seen in 30 years.

It can lead to high Temperatures To increase the humidity in the atmosphere and increase the wind speed, which are two main factors for the formation of charged particles, which leads to the occurrence of lightning.

An important 2014 study published in the journal Science warned that the number of lightning bolts could increase by 50 percent this century in the United States, with each additional degree of temperature increasing the number of lightning bolts by 12 percent.

and saw Alaskawhere temperatures are rising rapidly, has seen a 17 percent increase in lightning activity since the cooler 1980s.

And in the state of CaliforniaThe city, whose weather is usually dry, caused about 14,000 lightning strikes during August 2020 to erupt some of the largest Forest fires in the state at all.

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