The laboratory is located between the Mundo Sonrisas headquarters and the Uyapar Hospital in the Caroní municipality.
Guayana city.- As part of the rebirth of health in the state of Bolívar, Governor Ángel Marcano inaugurated this Thursday, March 10, the Dr. Armando Ortega High-Tech Public Health Laboratory, located between the Mundo Sonrisas headquarters and the Uyapar hospital in the municipality. Caroni.
The activity was attended by the Single Health Authority of Bolívar state and president of the Public Health Institute (ISP), Dr. Manuel Maurera, the first combatant, Yajaira Arocha de Marcano, regional and municipal authorities.
The regional president stressed that within the framework of the rebirth of health, a project that he promotes from his administration, the central thing is the vindication of the Bolivarian families and in conjunction with the National Government, he will continue working for the social welfare of the people.
“We will fight for our people to recover their standard of living and moralize, to advance steadily in improvements to the comprehensive health system.”
Laboratory in Guaiparo
The governor of Bolívar state reported that they will soon reactivate the laboratory at the Raúl Leoni de Guaiparo Hospital in San Félix, saying that they have already bought the high-tech equipment.
He recalled that they reactivated the Blood Bank at the Ven 911 headquarters in Ciudad Guayana. He assured that the goal is to normalize the service and conditions of all health centers.
“With the support of President Nicolás Maduro, we will continue to advance in the Guaiparo and Uyapar hospitals in the Caroní municipality. A few months ago we had negative figures in terms of prenatal care, thanks to the work we have done, we managed to reverse these figures and we will continue to reduce the numbers”.
Marcano assured that Bolívar is on the way to becoming a power. He announced that 30 garbage compactors, each weighing 25 tons, will soon arrive in the region to improve services and solid waste collection.
More than 200 people daily
For his part, Dr. Manuel Maurera, president of the Institute of Public Health (ISP) and the Single Health Authority of Bolívar state, explained that this High Technology Laboratory will have a capacity to care for 200 people a day, with specialized HIV tests. , tuberculosis, Covid-19, among others, to cover the epidemiological needs of the region.
He explained that they have high-tech equipment, conducive to timely and effective laboratory diagnosis. It will also have the capacity to apply neonatal screening screening by immunoserology (progesterone, biotinidase, galactosemia, among others).
“In this laboratory we will monitor communicable and non-communicable diseases by immunoserology (HIV, dengue, Chagas, hepatitis B, C, among others).
We will benefit more than one million 900 thousand 400 inhabitants, with an influence of 31 Comprehensive Community Health Areas (ASIC)”.
Bolívar is reborn in health
The president of ISP Bolívar thanked God, President Nicolás Maduro, Governor Ángel Marcano and the first combatant, Yajaira Arocha de Marcano, for supporting the execution of this project, which was carried out in a month and which also evidences the regional president’s commitment to health.
“Bolívar is reborn in health, with these spaces, we are showing that together we can achieve great things and that we will continue fighting for the well-being of our people.” Maurera highlighted.
Ribbon cutting and routing
Accompanied by the first combatant, Yajaira Arocha, Governor Ángel Marcano broke the tricolor ribbon, which declared this Laboratory inaugurated, which was blessed by the parish priest, Miles Useche.
Together they toured all the spaces and evaluated the capabilities and benefits that Bolivarian families will have.Government of Bolívar Press