Incredible Weight Loss Transformation: Cole Prochaska’s Journey to Better Health and Excess Skin Challenges

2023-06-16 02:59:00

Por A. Pawlowski – TODAY

Cole Prochaska weighed so much that his dumbbell reached its maximum capacity: 585 pounds.

He is sure he was heavier than he was in 2021, after years of overeating. Now you can estimate your incredible weight loss since then. Prochaska lost 360 pounds without surgery or pillssaid.

But her journey to better health isn’t over yet as she now deals with excess skin from her transformation.

Cole Prochaska’s training included lifting weights. Courtesy Cole Prochaska

“I’m stuck,” Prochaska, 39, a store manager living in St. Matthews, South Carolina, told

“I’ve lost all the weight and have muscles, but if I take off my shirt, I have a complex about the skin that hangs. I have loose skin on my legs, so if I try to run, it’s hard […] I have to wear pants one size larger because I have skin caught in the pants that comes from my stomach.”

[Un estudio revela que perder peso, aunque se vuelva a engordar, es bueno para el corazón a largo plazo]

After opening a GoFundMe page to raise money to pay for surgery to remove excess skin, Prochaska decided to post a shirtless photo to show the extent of the problem. He considered it “probably one of the hardest things I’ve done in a long time.”

“I didn’t want to do it,” he said. “But I was like, ‘You know what, I need to show everyone all the skin I have and how far I’ve come and accept it.’ And that’s what I did.”

“I felt very bad” with being overweight

Prochaska was an overweight child and it continued to gain weight as he grew into an adult.

He blames it on excess food and a sedentary life. He recalled that he could regularly eat bags of chips and drink a 12-pack of soda in a day. In fast food restaurants could order five cheeseburgers in one sitting and eat a whole pizza “easily”. She estimated that she was taking in about 5,000 calories a day.

Exercising was impossible because Prochaska would run out of breath if she did anything. “I felt really bad,” she recalled.

As he gained weight, Prochaska always wore a T-shirt when he went to the beach.Courtesy Cole Prochaska

“I always put on a happy face because that’s what a lot of overweight people do. But I felt lonely. You don’t want to go anywhere because you don’t want to worry about fitting into chairs, having to walk fast or [pensar] what are you going to wear.”

He never walked on the beach or went to a pool party shirtless. Going to a water park gave him the creeps.

The turning point came as a seven-year relationship was coming to an end.

“I knew that she had lost respect for me because I was overweight and not doing anything. I was not going where I needed to go in my life,” he recounted.

“I was trying to save the relationship. I couldn’t, but i saved myself“.

The path to weight loss

His first step was to start walking a couple of blocks at the beginning and a little more each day.

He started eating better. He eliminated all sweet things, snacks and chips. He replaced all the sodas with water. She started counting calories already have a high protein diet.

[La popularidad de una medicina para perder peso deja sin su tratamiento a diabéticos]

It didn’t take long for Prochaska to start feeling better, so she decided to continue. He joined a gym and started working out with weights and then lifting heavier weights.

Today Prochaska walks about 10,000 steps a day, he said. “Every day, without fail,” he said, “whether on the treadmill or outside. His workout routine also includes weights three times a week in the gym.

eat a lot of clean meat, turkey hash, chicken and beans. He skips pasta, but still enjoys bread and other carbohydrates in moderation. Your goal is to eat 2,000 to 2,500 calories every day. He related that he avoids chips and sweets because he is addicted to them.

“It was me who changed the way of thinking and I told myself that it was a change of life,” he said. “I feel very good”.

Prochaska now weighs about 226 pounds.

Surgery to remove excess skin

But there’s still the matter of extra skin. Prochaska recently flew to California—its his first flight ever—for an appointment with a plastic surgeon he met online.

The removal of excess skin is a specialty within cosmetic surgery and includes a range of contouring procedures, according to the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery.

It can help patients feel better and exercise more easily, although it may take several weeks of rest to recover and visible scars may remainindicates the organization.

The plan is to first remove excess skin from Prochaska’s upper body, including his chest and arms, and then from there, he will likely have three to five surgeries over two years, he said. Prochaska. He still doesn’t know how much the interventions will cost.

[Un nuevo fármaco ayudó a pacientes con diabetes tipo 2 a perder el 15% de su peso]

“I just want to continue to inspire as many people as possible to get over whatever is affecting them, but [esto] It’s definitely for those who are trying to lose weight,” he noted.

“You’ve never gone too far. It’s never too late. you can always come back“.

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