Instagram tests sharing comments in Stories

2023-08-29 19:33:08

the head of InstagramAdam Mosseri, announced today that the social network is testing a new feature that will allow users of public accounts to share comments from others on their Stories.

According to Mosseri, the function — which is very similar to a TikTok feature — aims to improve user engagement, highlighting comments on posts on the feed it is us Reels. Confirmation of the tests was released on the executive’s own Instagram channel.

With the resource, it will be possible to highlight the comments received from other creators or fans, for example. By citing comments in Stories, users will be able to encourage even more people to leave messages.

We’re testing the ability for public accounts to share comments from any public feed post or Reels in their Stories. The idea is to help creators highlight important or interesting comments from other creators or fans.

To share a comment, you must swipe it to the left and choose the option to mention it. In Stories, it appears as a sticker, with rounded corners, including the author’s name and photo. So far, the head of Instagram has not given details about the official launch of the feature.

In recent weeks, it is worth remembering, the platform launched Silent Mode and gained the “Before and After” sticker, which allows you to add two photos to the same Story with comparative frames.

via Canaltech

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