Institute for Natural Health Protection Have you done the cube test?

2023-11-16 08:14:31

It represents your goals. The size of this scale gives an indication of your ambition.

Is she big? You feel like you have big things to do.
Is she small? Your goals are narrower.
Is this ladder placed on the cube? In this case, your goals are essential to you. You put a lot of energy into making them. You feel in tune with these challenges.

If the ladder is placed on the cube, but it extends beyond it, your goals may seem impossible to achieve at the moment.

If the ladder is placed against the cube, but it reaches the middle of the cube: you like easily achievable objectives, over which you maintain control.

If it’s far away or on the ground, or both, you’re not paying too much attention to your goals right now.

Is the ladder made of solid material? You feel supported in your goals. Your family, your loved ones, support you.

Is it made of worm-eaten wood, with missing bars? Reinforcements are far away. And you feel alone in the face of the challenges you face.

My ladder is placed at the top of my cube. Phew! But, it is luminous and the material of which it is made is indistinct, like in a dream. What to do with this?

And what does your scale tell you?

This is your partner dreamed of by your unconscious. It is therefore not the partner that your reason wants, but the one who is present in limbo.

Some therapists say the horse can also be your current partner or someone you still think about a lot.

If the horse is looking at the cube, it means that you want all the attention of the person you love.

The size of the horse can designate the relationship of domination in the couple or the one to which your subconscious aspires.

If he is next to your scale, you want your partner to fully support you in your plans and goals.

If the horse you imagine has reins or is tethered, you subconsciously need to control your dream partner.

The saddle designates a need for security and stability.

If your horse is crazy, untamable, running everywhere, your dream partner is unpredictable, free and passionate.

Maybe it’s someone independent who doesn’t rely on you.

My horse is white. It’s a palomino. He is handsome and his gaze is directed towards the cube. Its size is proportional to that of the cube.

He has neither saddle nor reins. He is not attached. And when he appeared, an oasis appeared behind him.

My horse comes with an oasis in the desert.

And how is your horse?

They mean your children and if you don’t have children, your projects, which are like babies to you.

For some therapists, they can also refer to your friends or your circle of close friends.

If these flowers are close to your scale, you subconsciously hope that your children or friends will be involved in your projects and goals.

The number of flowers can represent the number of children you have or hope to have.

If these flowers are close to the cube, this indicates a close relationship with your children.

The color gives an indication of the relationship you have or would like to have with your children.

In psychology, colors can have many meanings.

Here are some examples :

The White, it is innocence and peace like the dove. It is also purity and simplicity.

Black is elegant, sober, secret. He seduces. It’s night and darkness. It doesn’t say everything: it’s a world of mystery and secrecy. It evokes authority and refinement. It sometimes hides the trauma or painful emotion.

Blue designates wisdom, knowledge, serenity, loyalty or royalty.

The latter can also be represented by purple which is the color of abundance, luxury and creativity.

The pink is soft. It’s motherhood, tenderness, friendship sometimes or even naivety.

The Red is the color of action, adventure, motivation, passion and power.

The orange reminiscent of fire: it’s a ball of energy and enthusiasm! It denotes warmth and sometimes demand for attention.

Yellow, it is joy, optimism, a sense of play and of others. Yellow refers to curiosity, original thinking, edification and encouragement. It’s also an irresistible color. It’s the color of the sun!

The green reminiscent of plants and trees. It is the color of life and compassion, prosperity and balance. It is the color of renewal and relaxation.

Brown reminiscent of the earth. It is the color of solidity and strength, sometimes of stubbornness. Brown is reliable, safe, rooted.

Grey is the color of calm, detachment, neutrality and sometimes depression.

Money refers to dignity, justice and discreet abundance.

L’or is more flashy: it is success, triumph, charisma and luck.

These representations are obviously cultural and subjective.

For example, white is a rather positive color in the West, but represents mourning in Asia.

These images also evolve over time.

If your vision worries you, intrigues you or bothers you, you can always discuss it with a therapist who will help you get past this exercise!

That said, the final interpretation is completely up to you.

Naturally yours,

Augustine of Livois

#Institute #Natural #Health #Protection #cube #test

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