Institute for Natural Health Protection The liver regenerates in an impressive way

2023-09-21 09:29:16

Dear friend, dear friend,

The liver is the largest organ in the body.

It is also the densest and heaviest. It weighs on average 1.5 kg(1,2).

It is a large right triangle located at the level of the abdomen under the diaphragm and protected by the ribs(2,3).

It’s a fascinating organ with multiple functions that, if you take care of it, will serve you well.

The ancient Greeks already knew this…

One of the most remarkable facts about the liver is its capacity for regeneration. Even if 75% of your liver was removed, it could all grow back(1).

And the fact has been known for a long time since Greek mythology already tells it in the story of Prometheus.

Zeus, creator of the world in Greek mythology, asks two titan brothers – deities – to take care of earthly creatures.

Epimetheus must arm them and give them fangs, shells, etc. Prometheus must give them the breath of life(4).

But Epimetheus gives everything to the animals and forgets the men who find themselves very deprived(4).

To correct this injustice, Prometheus steals fire from the gods with the help of Athena and teaches them how to control it.

But Zeus, furious, condemns him. He does not blame him for his attempt at justice but for his disloyal act(4).

As a deity, Prometheus is immortal. He cannot be sentenced to death.

Zeus has him chained on a mountain while a vulture comes every day to devour his liver which grows back during the night.

Heracles, while he is carrying out his twelve labors, will deliver him from his chains but that’s another story…

Partial liver transplant works

In France, generally when a liver is transplanted, the organ comes from a brain-dead person who gave their consent during their lifetime.

However, it is also possible to do a partial liver transplant from a donor to a recipient.

In this case, the liver will regenerate in both the donor and the recipient, which is extraordinary.

This type of transplant is, however, complex and the contraindications are numerous.

But it can work.

An immortal organ?

If your liver is healthy, it regenerates 100%. Old cells disappear and are replaced by new ones so that this organ is never more than 3 years old.(6,7) !

Even in the elderly, the liver retains its capacity for regeneration. It’s an organ that’s still young!

This exceptional capacity for regeneration is partly explained by the structure of this organ.

It is made up of four large lobes, themselves made up of hexagonal shaped lobules.

These tissues concentrate hepatocytes or liver cells and can replace them very effectively.

As soon as one liver cell dies, another splits in two to fill the void created.

Furthermore, the liver is very vascularized and it is the only organ that receives blood from two sources.

The hepatic artery supplies blood from the heart.

The portal vein circulates blood that comes from the intestine.

All this circulating blood constantly carries proteins and growth factors which contribute to the rapid regeneration of the liver.

A hard worker

The liver performs more than 300 vital functions(8).

He is notably involved in the following operations(1,2) :

  • the secretion of bile;
  • the production of proteins in the blood;
  • blood sugar regulation;
  • blood detoxification;
  • the elimination of bad bacteria in the blood;
  • prevention of the appearance of clots in the blood;
  • breakdown of hemoglobin;
  • the transformation or regulation of hormones,
  • etc.

Liver and blood proteins

The liver helps make most of the proteins found in the blood, including:

  • albumin which helps regulate blood volume and the distribution of fluids in the body(9);
  • ferritin which is used to store iron(10) ;
  • globins such as hemoglobin; the latter is used to transport oxygen(11) ;
  • lipoproteins which participate in the transport of cholesterol(1) ;
  • acute phase proteins that play a role in inflammation and infection(1) ;
  • clotting factors(1).

Threats to the liver!

Despite its extraordinary capacity for regeneration, the liver can still be permanently damaged.

Liver damage can be caused by viruses, pathogenic bacteria or toxins(6).

These situations create inflammation.

Immune cells then activate and produce cytokines and growth factors which will counter the attack and repair the damage caused.

Quickly, liver cells or hepatocytes will divide to replace dead cells.

What substances damage the liver?

You know them. These are mainly drugs and alcohol.

An excess of one or the other can destroy the liver to the point of annihilating its regenerative capacity.(6).

Here are some medications that can harm your liver(6) :

  • ibuprofen,
  • nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories,
  • amiodarone,
  • statins,
  • certain medications for epilepsy,
  • to birth control pills,
  • niacin or vitamin B3 in high doses.
If the liver is damaged too often, this can trigger cirrhosis.

Obviously, drugs and tobacco are also dangerous for the liver.

Be careful, NASH is coming!

And in recent years, a new disease has appeared: NASH(12).

It is an English acronym which means non-alcoholic steatohepatitis or fatty liver disease.

It appears in the event of excessive consumption of sugary or fatty products, particularly sodas.

Sugar not consumed by the body is, in fact, transformed into fat by the liver which stores it.

And at any given time, the warehouses are full!

Special attention must be paid to children. The younger the excess sugar, the more serious the consequences.

The metabolism is damaged, this affects growth, hormones, development, behavior, psychology, etc. It is a disaster.

Unfortunately today NASH, like overweight and obesity, also exists in children and it is even the first liver pathology among them.(13) ! What a collective defeat!

Store candy, ice cream and sugary cereals!

Take out the Mediterranean dishes, good tasty vegetables and some fruit for a snack!

How to protect your liver?

Certain foods are directly hepatoprotective.

This is the case for garlic, beets, artichokes, Brussels sprouts or rosemary for example.

In general, organic and seasonal vegetables are, for your liver and that of your children or grandchildren, a pure marvel.

It is also good to hydrate yourself well by drinking approximately 6 to 8 glasses of water per day depending on your weight and your fluid needs!

Certain herbal teas can also support you successfully, such as dandelion herbal tea, useful against liver crisis.

Likewise, herbal teas of milk thistle, rosemary, fumitory, boldo or orthosiphon, an Ayurvedic plant, should help you detoxify your liver.

Turmeric and peppermint are known for this. These plants also promote the secretion of bile(15).

More generally, lemon is excellent for your digestive tract and provides you with vitamin C, useful to the entire body.

You can start the day with a glass of room temperature or lukewarm lemon water.

This is an excellent morning cleansing of the digestive tract from which the liver will not complain(16) !

Green tea is also an excellent drink to help drain the liver, rich in polyphenols and antioxidants.(15).

Finally, a monodiet every month or a vegetable fast from time to time should lighten your body and give your liver a little rest, this faithful worker who, when properly treated, remains young by your side from the beginning to the end of life. Thank you liver.

Naturally yours,

Augustine of Livois

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