Institute for the Protection of Natural Health Will osteopathy enter the Public Health Code?

2023-06-28 12:58:56

By Simon Flückiger/June 28, 2023/ 6 Views

Dear friend, dear friend,

The letter that I propose to you today was produced with Jean-Pierre Marguaritte, osteopath.

We wanted to provide you with an update on the news of this profession, which is relatively new in France, and on its future in our country.

A few years ago, osteopathy was recognized as a health profession in its own right.

Non-medical osteopaths came out of illegality by a law of March 4, 2002(1,2).

Since 1962, a ministerial decree had created a monopoly on the practice of osteopathy for doctors.

Today, osteopathy can be practiced by health professionals such as physiotherapists.

It is even enough, in reality, to have followed a First Common Year for Health Studies (PACES) or to have a baccalaureate and then to follow an appropriate training, provided in a private school.

These studies last between 3 and 6 years.

The implementing decrees for the 2002 law took time to be published(3,4).

In 2007 and then in 2014 two texts were published which defined the field of competence of osteopaths and then a training reference system for approved schools.

A big oversight… YOU

From now on, osteopaths, unlike naturopaths, herbalists or acupuncturists, have the right to practice without risking being prosecuted by the order of doctors. Phew!

This is a breakthrough.

But this process is not complete.

There is still work to be done to create a relationship of trust between osteos and doctors, necessary for good patient follow-up and to make osteopathy accessible to all.

Better cooperation between doctors and osteopaths would make it possible to better bridge the gap between the need that exists in the population and the services currently available.

Too often the absence of dialogue or common language between the two professions prevents quality monitoring of the patient’s needs.

This is especially true in people whose condition is somewhere between healthy and sick.

This concerns you if you suffer from functional disorders related to your lifestyle.

These situations can lead to chronic pathologies that are resistant to conventional treatments.

Patients sometimes find themselves in medical wandering.

The system no longer knows how to support them when osteopathic care offers credible solutions.

But often doctors don’t know or don’t think about it.

Losteopath: a daily health actor

However, the current way of life makes the passage to the osteopath almost obligatory.

Dietary hygiene, physical inactivity, chronic stress are the three main causes of postural imbalances causing joint and muscle pain.

These “mechanical” pains are the consequence of muscular tension on the skeleton.

The main sources of these tensions are generally:

poor position at work, a professional activity requiring repetitive physical effort, a “false movement”, even stress,

This explanation is not enough even if the correction of working conditions and postural precautions bring results because some people escape these pains.

When the muscle says “ouch”!

A muscle becomes painful when it can no longer adapt to the contraction during an effort or to the tension that is required of it during a bad posture.

There are two explanations for this:

Either he is overstretched and a contracture sets in, which is the case during intense physical effort, and the pain usually fades in a few days, or he is not able to adapt to the tension which is imposed on him by the posture and the pain sets in.

In both cases, it is necessary to look on the side of the blood circulation to understand the origin of the muscular pain.

Indeed, if a muscle is insufficiently vascularized, it lacks oxygen to eliminate the lactic acid it produces and cannot respond to the tensions exerted by the skeleton without manifesting itself in pain.

If the cause is treated, the patient will not have to return regularly to the osteopath to have his vertebrae restored.

Muscles provide 80% of blood circulation

Some pain is sometimes felt when getting up and then gradually disappears after a few movements.

The reason is simple.

80% of blood circulation is ensured by the muscles which are almost all at rest when you sleep.

Almost, because if there were no permanent muscular movement, the paralyzed would be amputated and you would have unbearable cramps.

Their activation in the morning stimulates blood circulation and makes the pain disappear.

To this explanation, we must add the fundamental role of the liver, the largest organ in the body, which doubles in blood volume at night to regenerate itself, thereby reducing the amount of blood circulating in the body.

Osteopathy and food hygiene, an obvious complementarity

If your osteopath is competent, when you leave your home your pain has disappeared “as if by a miracle”.

But if he is really competent, he will also help you work on your lifestyle.

And in that case, you won’t need to come back to see him every four mornings!

Because osteopathy is not content with gestures that relieve.

The session is also accompanied by postural advice and lifestyle recommendations.

Osteopathy can explain the appearance of pain in certain particular places.

There is a specific reason why your sciatica is on the left or not on the right, there is a direct link between your digestion and your back pain, etc.

Some pains in women appear only at a specific moment in the cycle. It is not a coincidence. And the cause may simply be digestive.

Osteopathy can provide you with the answers and explain the links between several apparently distinct disorders.

But for it to be able to bring its full potential to patients, osteopathy must enter into the public health code.

Two essential conditions for the profession to be fully recognized

To begin with, there must be an official national representative professional organization.

The difficulty is to have a body that is truly capable of structuring the profession while treating its members with respect, justice and fairness.

It is necessary to avoid abuses, for example, of the order of the doctors or that of the pharmacists.

But this is simpler than one imagines. It suffices to remove from these authorities their power to judge.

Then, osteopaths need a code of ethics that is applicable to them!

These two guarantees will make the profession more credible and help it work better with doctors.

They should also facilitate continuous training and best practices.

And it is the patient who should benefit.

Because the health services provided will be better and the mutuals will be more inclined to cover them.

Naturally yours,

Augustine of Livois

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