Institute for the Protection of Natural Health Zinc for the health of men… and women!

2023-07-05 08:15:50

By Simon Flückiger/July 5, 2023/ 8 Views

Dear friend, dear friend,

This has sometimes been recalled during the coronavirus epidemic: zinc is useful for immunity.

Indeed, it inhibits the action of certain viruses while strengthening your immune defenses(1,2).

More generally, it makes your body more resistant and more efficient. It helps the body regenerate and therefore recover faster(1,2).

This makes zinc the friend of sportsmen.

It is also a mineral salt essential for healing.

A few grams for many functions in the body!

Your body contains about 2.5 g of zinc(1).

It is, after iron, the most abundant trace element in the human body!

But this tiny amount of zinc can activate more than 200 different proteins.

The latter play on many enzymes, as well as hormones such as (1,2):

insulin, thyroid hormones, growth hormones. testosterone.

Zinc plays on the regulation of carbohydrates and lipids and is essential for cell growth.

What a treasure!

Where is zinc found in your body?

If it goes through your blood, the zinc doesn’t stay there(1,2).

This explains why blood tests are not always relevant in determining whether you have sufficient zinc stores in the body or not.

Zinc prefers to lodge primarily in the cells of your muscle tissue and some of your organs (1,2).

Higher concentrations are found in the prostate, pancreas, liver, adrenal glands, eyes and skin (1,2).

And this is no coincidence!

Zinc promotes testosterone production

Because the action of zinc is visible in these organs.

In the prostate, it helps men produce hormones, especially testosterone(2).

But the latter helps the appearance of a deep voice, promotes the development of muscles and maintains the strength of the bones (4).

It is essential for spermatogenesis, the production of spermatozoa and is responsible for the appearance of hair on the body(4).

It is essential for men but also important for women.

One of the world’s leading experts on testosterone, William Dabbs of Georgia State University, USA, claims that it is the hormone of heroes, bullies and lovers(5).

If you don’t have to be a big-hearted brute in all circumstances, having courage, desire and ardor in your projects is not a bad thing.

Testosterone will give you drive and perseverance in your endeavors. Joy !

Your skin benefits from zinc

It is he who helps the tissues to heal.

But that’s not all.

Zinc is an antioxidant. It protects your skin from free radicals.

Thanks to him, she ages less quickly.

It also regulates skin sebum, which is a substance produced by glands under the skin, called sebaceous glands (6,7).

Sebum protects and hydrates the skin.

When the body produces too much it can cause acne. This is where the role of zinc can be interesting(6,7).

Teenagers! Consume fish rather than milk if you want to avoid unsightly pimples.

Zinc is so good for the skin that many cosmetic brands take advantage of it.

They put it in their dermatological preparations. And thanks to it, your skin regenerates better(6,7).

It is also protected, zinc having an anti-inflammatory action. This limits the risk of having redness on the skin.

Zinc and carbohydrates the little-known link

Another major function of zinc is to regulate insulin(8).

Its presence in certain cells of the pancreas allows the storage or release of insulin.

This action plays on the body’s ability to act when sugars arrive in the blood (8).

Indeed, at this time the pancreas produces insulin which acts on glucose and limits blood sugar levels.

A zinc deficiency can limit this action and increase the presence of sugar in the blood, which ultimately increases the risk of type II diabetes.

When the body does not get enough zinc…

You need regular zinc intake because the body does not manufacture it itself and its storage capacity is limited.

Women need an intake of 8 mg per day and men 11 mg(10).

Pregnant women, the elderly and people who poorly assimilate zinc may have greater needs.

Excess stress or overwork can affect your zinc levels.

And the lack of zinc can, meanwhile, increase oxidative stress: it’s a vicious circle that you have to get out of(11)!

Similarly, certain medications such as oral contraceptives, antacids, or certain diuretics(12).

Alcohol can also be a risk(12).

Likewise, if your gut is poorly absorbing nutrients, you may find yourself deficient in zinc.

Finally, if you never take foods containing zinc, you risk at one time or another being deficient!

Where can you find the zinc your body needs?

Before you think about taking supplements, you may already find zinc in certain foods.

Oysters are the champions of zinc intake(13).

More generally, seafood products also give you some(13).

Red meat contains it and so do green vegetables (13).

You will also find it in egg yolk, wholemeal bread, cheese, dried figs and lentils(13).

See! There is no shortage of food solutions so that you can provide your body with all the zinc it needs.

Beware, excess zinc is not good either…

Life is often a matter of balance and measure.

This is also true in your cells.

This balance even has a name: homeostasis. This is cellular harmony(14).

Naturally yours,

Augustine of Livois

#Institute #Protection #Natural #Health #Zinc #health #men #women

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