“Insurances” expose the tricks of scammers – Saudi News

The General Organization for Social Insurance renewed its warnings of numerous frauds practiced by some fraudsters through fake websites and accounts, and through phone calls, as they claim to provide investment services to clients, alleging that these investments are related to the institution or the investment immunity company that is affiliated with the General Organization for Social Insurance.

The Corporation confirmed, through its statement, which was published on its official channels, that it and Hassana Company do not provide any investment services to individuals, and neither of them nor its officials issued invitations or messages calling for investment or participation in investment projects and opportunities in any way.

Okaz monitored, through its follow-up to the matter, the presence of some fake advertisements that present deceptive opportunities to invest in these two official bodies. It bears the logo of the institution and they ask the victim to log in and then enter his bank data and card numbers so that he can invest in them, and then the scammers can enter his accounts or use his cards to withdraw his bank balance or buy with them.

A number of Okaz’s followers revealed that they had received many phone calls, some of which came from outside the Kingdom, claiming that their owners are affiliated with the Social Insurance Institution and offer the victim to share his money in order to invest it and obtain cash profits from it.

Too late

Dr. Nayef Al-Hadhali, a specialist in social responsibility and sustainable development, confirmed that the warning puts the responsibility on the shoulders of individuals who follow scammers who practice crooked ways to seize people’s money and deceive them through social media channels or through phone call, and it is unfortunate that some fall victim to fraud and some of them Educated, but greed and the desire to get rich quickly is the main motive behind this deception that is being practiced on them and we find them giving him all their bank information and secret numbers on a plate of gold, believing that this will enable them to invest their money easily and when they wake up from the shock they come to the official government agencies, but Too late.

Investors’ rights controls

Dr. Faisal bin Ayed Al-Roqi, Professor of Accounting at Umm Al-Qura University, Vice-Dean of the College of Business Administration, believes that the investment fields in the Kingdom have their own controls that guarantee the rights of investors and distance their investments from the areas of falsehood and deception of fraudsters who seduce them with false advertisements that deceive them of quick wealth, which are in fact traps set up for the innocent in order to steal their money and seize their bank accounts.

He added that the General Organization for Insurance had previously warned of those who take advantage of its name and the great reputation of its investment arm represented by the immunity company in order to lure simple people and steal their bank savings, especially as they impersonate official employees working in these trusted government agencies and they are in fact unknown, using the names of these parties for their sordid ends.

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