Integrating grey literature into scientific and technical monitoring: Complete file

2024-07-31 22:00:00

Sites internet

GreyNet : Grey Literature Network Service

The aim of GreyNet is to facilitate dialogue, research and communication between people and organisations in the field of grey literature.

Further information on grey literature can be found in the LibGuides many universities, such as University of Exeter.


  • Accart J.-P. and Rivier A., Digital Information ReminderParis, Edition of the Bookstore Circle, 2012
  • Chauvin S. et al.“Master’s theses in open archives”, in CIUEN 2010, Strasbourg, 14-16 juin 20102010
  • Farace D. J. and Schöpfel J. (eds.), Grey Literature in Library and Information StudiesBerlin, De Gruyter Saur, 2010
  • Schöpfel J., « Access to European Grey Literature », in Pejsova P. (dir.), Grey Literature RepositoriesZlin, Radim Bacuvcik VeRBuM, 2010, 20-33
  • Schöpfel J., “Towards a new definition of grey literature”, Notebooks of Documentation / Sheets for Documentation2012, 66(3), 14-24
  • Schöpfel J. (dir.), “Grey literature: from shadow to light (dossier)”, I2D Information, data and documents2015, 52(1), 28-71
  • Schöpfel J. et Prost H., « How scientific papers mention grey literature : a scientometric study based on Scopus data », Collection and Curation2021, 40(3), 77-82


Grey literature

Grey literature is any type of document produced by government, administration, education and research, commerce and industry, in paper or digital format, protected by intellectual property rights, of sufficient quality to be collected and preserved by a library or institutional archive, and which is not controlled by commercial publishing.

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