Internal of the Frente de Todos: for Cafiero, the best candidate Peronism has is Alberto Fernández

Foreign Minister Santiago Cafiero said on Tuesday that “the best candidate that Peronism has” for this year’s elections is President Alberto Fernández, adding that within the Frente de Todos (FDT) “there are nuances, not differences” while in Juntos por the Change “debates who accelerates more to take away rights” to citizens.

“The best candidate that Peronism has is Alberto,” Cafiero insisted today in statements to radio Con Vos, in which he stressed that the President “has built a policy of production and employment, abandoned the policy of speculation, and today there is growth of the employment”.

Cafiero stressed that the meeting of the FDT national table that met last week was “constructive” and clarified that no leader attended with “the spirit of fueling an internal discussion, which seems insurmountable in the media headlines, but when we got together we have a fluid dialogue”.

“More than differences, they are nuances,” said the head of the San Martín palace, and added: “The tensions we have are about how we distribute better and the people are better, while in other forces the debate is how they take away rights, who accelerates more to remove rights. In Peronism the debate is different”.

“Design a strategy”

Cafiero explained that in the meeting of the FDT table, which took place at the headquarters of the national PJ, they talked about “designing a strategy that first consolidates the front, unites the management and thirdly that the candidacies flow.”

Finally, he insisted on the need for the candidates to be resolved within the framework of the open, simultaneous and mandatory primary (Paso).

“We see with great concern how the right-wing with anti-democratic and violent overtones are consolidating. These rights must be overcome through the participation of citizens, and the PASO are the best mechanism for that”, he concluded.

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