Intervention of prosecutor, police and social worker to remove the children – 2024-02-19 18:21:46

The developments with the large family that lives in third-world conditions, cut off from the outside world, in a burrow 6 meters below the ground in Mountainous Corinthia are dramatic.

Specifically, on the morning of Sunday, February 18, a police operation is underway at the place where the self-proclaimed community of “old Christians” lived.

Accompanied by a prosecutor and municipal services, there is an intervention by the policeas reported by SKAI, in order to arrest the 45-year-old man, who claims to be the father of six children, of whom, according to him, four live in the community.

“The prosecutor’s intervention has to do with the protection of minor children”

They are the three minor children of the family, two boys aged 13 and 15 and a little girl of six. The 45-year-old and the 38-year-old also have a 22-year-old wife who is reportedly the mother of an infant.

But after the couple was released, the children returned to the early Christian community and are once again living with their parents in the caves.

The “early Christian” family cites similarities with the Amish community
The police editor of the newspapers “TO VIMA” and “TA NEA”, Vassilis Lambropoulos, spoke to MEGA about the case with the family that lives in burrows and carries bows and arrows.

“In this case it’s not just police matters, we have a group of self-proclaimed early Christians who suddenly in old age remembered this logic of the alternative lifestyle and live in caves and catacombs as early Christians. Someone tell them that Diocletian has been dead for several centuries and they are not in danger from some Roman emperor. The EL.AS investigation was done. and evidence was found and they are cited as being similar to two other cases, with the Amish in America who are a group of 30,000 people who are the so-called “New Baptists”, a movement that started in 1850 from Zurich. The Amish send their children to school up to the 8th grade, they are more organized, they don’t live in these squalid conditions, they have issues with inbreeding, with birth defects because they can’t have relationships with others but reproduce within their trial community,” he initially said.

“There are also the ‘Old Believers’, who came from a schism in the Russian church since 1666, and they are about 2 million. But they still don’t live in these conditions like they do,” added Vassilis Lambropoulos.

“The issue in this case is the children. They did not clarify their views and what they are aiming for. These situations are personal views of the parents. It may be but 1-2 houses, it is not a large group and such an issue is not developed in Greece because they would have been identified. It will be investigated for who they are and what perceptions they are. It’s a “fresh” issue, it’s not old,” added the journalist.

Mountain Corinth: The prosecutor ordered an urgent preliminary investigation for the “Old Christians”

#Intervention #prosecutor #police #social #worker #remove #children

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