Investments depressed Oberbank profits |

The bank announced this on Monday. At 95.7 million euros, the surplus after taxes was 25.7 percent below the previous year’s result. The investment result fell from 65.4 to 5.9 million euros and was primarily determined by the voestalpine investment.

Oberbank was largely able to make gains in its operational business. The interest result rose by 27.4 percent to 166.9 million euros, the loan volume by 2.9 percent to 20.4 billion euros. The commission result fell by 1.4 percent to 51.9 million euros.

Risk provisions increased from 4.7 to 9.2 million euros. The core capital ratio also improved slightly, from 17.65 to 18.59 percent.

The bank did not provide an outlook for the financial year “due to the volatile economic and political conditions.” However, with regard to the economy, the bottom was reached towards the end of the first quarter. Real income growth and expiring braking factors should revive the economy somewhat, according to the Oberbank’s assessment.


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