Invite you to eat “tomato” with “lycopene” to maintain male health.

study subject Lycopene (Lycopene) red substancein tomato Found that it is a type of antioxidant that is a subunit of carotenoids. (Carotenoids) are beneficial to health.

have Vitamin C and Dietary Fiber They also found that eating tomatoes regularly helps prevent and reduce the spread ofprostate cancer


we know we eat tomato Help beautiful skin, good excretion, good circulatory system. Reduce the level of fat in the blood which is the cause of many chronic diseases.

now expensive tomatoes in almost every country due to inflation as a result of wars and oil prices. indicates that the price of fresh tomatoes At the end of May, the price was 15% higher than the previous year.

except “Expensive” Tomatoes grown in California and Europe are reported to have a more “sour” taste as a result of global warming.


tomato It is the world’s most important raw material. Every nation has tomatoes on their menu: eat them fresh, cooked, make sauces, make tomato juice, etc. Especially Americans must have. ketchup Put it on the table, can’t think of anything. “tomato ketchup”

Why are tomatoes important to male health? From the study found substances lycopene high amounts found in red tomatoes Help maintain normal cell injury in the body. Help balance the free radicals that stimulate the cells to malfunction. important to reduce the risk ofprostate cancer

Ripe tomatoes have increased lycopene (Credit:

The specialty of lycopene in tomatoes is an antioxidant that is more effective than other substances in the carotenoid group This includes beta-carotene. Effectively maintains the strength and fluidity of cell membranes.


and help screen what goes in and out of the cell Help good nutrients come in. Eliminate waste in cells and prevent toxins from entering cells. Prevents various diseases and does not decay when exposed to heat. Plus the amount of substancelycopeneincrease with


information of Thai House of Representativesindicate thatlycopene have the effect of reducing prostate enlargement (PSA – Prostate specific antigen, a protein produced by the cells of the prostate), which if PSA is high, it indicates a danger signal leading to disease.prostate cancer

In this study, patients ingested a concentrated tomato product of 50 g/day for 10 weeks and then analyzed for PSA levels in volunteer patients showed a 10.77% reduction in PSA levels.


Many studies abroad, such as in Brazil, have been studied in people with prostate symptoms. They were given 50 grams of fresh tomatoes per day for 10 weeks, compared to those who ate ripe tomatoes. The result was that fresh eaters had a 10% lower risk of enlarged prostate, and cooked eaters had a 50% lower risk.

In the US, a study of 44 male volunteers who drank tomato juice for 12 weeks found better overall health and stronger sperm.


America sergeantprostate cancerIt is the number 1 cause of all cancers. In Thailand, it ranks 4th. Risk factors are: getting older Environmental conditions, obesity, high cholesterol, smoking, alcohol consumption cumulative stress and heredity


and not only get sick if it also affects sexual health of men, because the prostate is an important organ to produce healthy semen and connected to the urinary system When there are abnormal symptoms, it will show symptoms related to the urinary system.

In America, it is reported that 1 in 8 gentlemen have prostate disease and may develop into cancer. If not treated early


can eat tomatoes you men want sex health Strong on the website recommended. 8 foods for male health (8 Penis-Friendly Foods) Almost everything is food available in Thailand, including

1 pue leng Contains folate to help circulatory system and maintain hormone testosterone levels. (testosterone)

2 red apples (peeling) contains ursolic acid (Ursolic acid) is a food for prostate health.

3 avocados It was shaped like a prostate that the ancient Aztecs believed. It is a food for male health. It has been eaten since 500 BC. and contains vitamin E helps the sperm to be strong

Avocado + Tomato improves male health (Credit:

4 red peppers Capsaicin in chili peppers helps to nourish the brain. good mood When these two good things happen Aphrodisiac effect pleasure substance that stimulates sexual arousal which is present in many foods

5 coffee Drink enough to drink 1-3 cups per day or not more than 270 ml per day.

6 carrots orange carotenoids Helps improve sperm health

7. Oatmeal It is an Aphrodisiac effect that helps the blood flow in the penis to move well. Contains the amino acid L-arginine to maintain testosterone balance.

8 Tomatoes Lycopene and Vitamin C in Tomatoes Helps promote healthy sperm


Lycopene in tomatoes: It is a special vegetable that is cooked and then makes the substance. lycopene Increasing information from There are numbers comparing the amount of lycopene in tomatoes found that The more cooked, the more they have, including:

tomato ketchup 1 tbsp. contains lycopene = 2.05 mg. / 1 ​​cup papaya = 2.65 mg. / 1 ​​tsp. concentrated tomato sauce = 4.6 mg. / 1 ​​cup fresh red tomatoes = 4.63 mg. / 1 ​​cup watermelon = 6.89 mg / 1 cup tomato juice 22 mg / 1 cup sun-dried tomatoes = 24.8 mg / 1 cup canned tomatoes = 54.4 mg.

Healthy Tomato Soup (Credit:

Tomato Menu : Eat fresh, juice, make sauces, make soups, add pasta, pizza, salsa, sweet and sour stir-fry, tom yum, make curry, make sandwiches, cook any nationality.

The amount you eat should be moderate, 9-21 milligrams per day. Eating too much can cause side effects such as diarrhea, flatulence, nausea, vomiting, chest pain, skin discoloration, heart attack, and fat accumulation under the skin.

Simple idea: 1 cup of fresh tomatoes contains 5 mg of lycopene if cooked in tomato soup. Lycopene about 26 mg. Tomato concentrate 54-75 mg.


There are also many foods that help support the health of the prostate glands such as Berries, tomatoes, broccoli, cruciferous vegetables, green tea, mushrooms, pumpkin seeds, turmeric, salmon

Eat a variety of food in rotation. Maintain sexual health so that you will have energy to kick beep!


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