iOS 15.5 will block sensitive places in your photo memories

To create these clips, the Photos app uses facial recognition systems to identify each of your friends, as well as dates and locations. Only, not all places are good for creating a happy little video, and Apple will, with iOS 15.5, integrate a list of sensitive places.

The latest beta of this mobile operating system update from l’iPhone and of the iPad indeed incorporates the coordinates of places linked to the Holocaust such as the concentration camps of Dachau, Auschwitz-Birkenau, Treblinka, Majdanek, Belzec, Chelmno-Kulmhof and Sobibor.

Also excluded from the Memorabilia are the Anne Frank House, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, the Berlin Holocaust Memorial and the Yad Vashem Memorial as well as the Oskar Schindler factory.

It is likely that Apple will expand this list as updates are made, with the addition of other memory locations around the world. iOS 15.5 is still in development and should be available to the public in the coming weeks.

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