iOS 17 Beta 2 Introduces Faster Tactile Feedback Touch Options – Similar to 3D Touch Speed

2023-06-25 06:13:45
I believe that most iPhone users have some impressions of the 3D Touch feature. This feature was supported from the iPhone 6s until the iPhone XR was canceled and changed to Haptic Touch. At that time, many users felt sorry for the lack of this feature, but recently there are Foreign netizens found in iOS 17 Beta 2 that there is a faster option for the tactile feedback touch function, which can achieve a reaction speed similar to 3D Touch after use. ▲Image source: MacRumors iOS 17 Beta 2 brings faster tactile feedback touch options, and the response speed is similar to 3D Touch Not long ago, after Apple released the iOS 17 developer beta (Beta 2), in addition to improving the previous version There are some problems, and some netizens have discovered some new functions. For example, recently on Twitter, some netizens discovered that there are more options in the “Haptic Feedback Touch” option than the original “Default (Default)” and “Slow (Slow)”, and there is an additional “Fast (Fast)” option. At present, the iOS 17 developer beta version has reached the Beta 2 stage, but the official version of iOS 17 has not yet been launched, and it is expected to be officially launched this fall. ▲Image source: 9to5Mac After choosing “Fast”, what is the difference in using it? According to the actual measurement of netizens, if the touch duration of the touch feedback touch is selected to “fast”, the response time of long-pressing the image on the screen will be similar to that of the original 3D Touch, which can quickly respond to the next action. ▲Image source: Apple Intro (Twitter/ @AppleIntro) Since Haptic Touch is still used, it only provides users with one more quicker trigger feedback. In the future, if the user selects the touch response time to “fast” in iOS 17, that is, the feedback speed is faster. It should be more interesting to iOS users who pursue faster response time, but it is rarely used in general. For users of the long press function, there is not much difference. Because this setting is adjusted to “fast”, the response speed will be closer to that of 3D Touch. If it returns to the function itself, Taptic Touch is still somewhat different from the original 3D Touch function. First of all, regardless of whether it is Taptic Touch or 3D Touch, the user presses and holds an image, link or app on the screen to trigger the first-level menu, but the 3D Touch will open the second-level menu or action when it is pressed continuously. Taptic Touch doesn’t do anything. ▲Image source: Apple Intro (Twitter/ @AppleIntro) Speaking of vibration, we also introduced the vibration mode setting function on the iPhone that many people do not know. It allows users to record their own vibration frequency. If you are already insensitive to the built-in vibration frequency of the iPhone, so you often do not notice new messages or incoming calls, you might as well try to add a set of unique vibration modes! (For detailed teaching, please click me to refer to the full article) Extended reading: Apple Maps AR navigation teaching, how to use, precautions, see this article
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