iPhone 14 Pro: trick to reduce the size of 48-megapixel photos | iOS | nnda | nnni | DEPOR-PLAY

Among Apple’s best acquisitions are undoubtedly the iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max, since they have new functions for the benefit of users and that surpass other models, some of the cases being the screen always on, the dynamic island that replaced the notch and others.

However, something that drew a lot of attention was its camera, which has a strategic technology capable of taking 48-megapixel photos, thus having a much higher quality, but, despite its benefits, these images occupy almost triple the storage compared to comparison of conventional photos.

Given this, it is not surprising that many users do not agree with consuming much more space on the iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max. Therefore, in DEPOSIT We share a trick with you so you know how to reduce the size of these photos on your mobile device.

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How to lower the size of 48 MP photos on the iPhone 14 Pro

If you want to save storage on iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max, we recommend an option to decrease the size of photos from 48 MP. It is about changing the format of the images, in this way, they will not take up much space.

  • From your iPhone, go to .
  • Through this link, you can download a shortcut that lowers the weight of the images.
  • Once this is done, we will have to choose in which folder we want to save the shared photos.
  • Now, select all the 48 MP photos that you want to reduce their size.
  • After this, simply the downloaded shortcut will do its thing.
  • When the process is finished, the shortcut will ask if we want to delete the original images.
  • Confirm the action so that all heavy photos are deleted.
  • Finally, you will have your photos in a smaller size and thus save space on the iPhone.

Remember that if you want to recover the original 48 MP photos, you can do it from the Photos app trash; however, you only have 30 days maximum.

Trick to change WiFi networks faster on iPhone

There are many ways to access different WiFi networks in moments from your iPhone. Here we share a fairly simple way that you can put into practice.

  • First, go to the Control Center from your iPhone.
  • To do this, slide the screen from top to bottom.
  • When this happens, tap on the Wi-Fi widget.
  • Now, long press on the WiFi bars icon.
  • Immediately, a list of available networks will appear.
  • In this part, you will have to decide for one.
  • Just tap on a network you want and you’re done.

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