iPhones 15 Pro seem lighter than they really are, and Physics explains

2023-09-19 21:45:18

That the iPhones 15 Pro/15 Pro Max are lighter than previous generation devices, this is nothing new, given that one of the highlights made by Apple in the presentation of the devices was precisely that the construction of the device’s body in titanium made the smartphones noticeably less heavy.

But many people who have already had the opportunity to hold one of the new models in their hands have noticed one thing in common: they look good lighter than the iPhones 14 Pro/14 Pro Max — even though the real difference in weight between the two devices is only between 10% when comparing the iPhone 15 Pro with the iPhone 14 Pro.

Although everything could be nothing more than pure guesswork, a publication by a doctor in engineering on your blog indicates that this perception is not only valid, but also has a scientific explanation — and it has to do with the moment of inertiaa concept in Mechanical Physics that measures the degree of difficulty in changing the state of motion of a rotating body.

The moment of inertia is calculated taking into account both the mass of a given object and the way it is distributed. The further the mass is from the axis of rotation (more accumulated at the edges/perimeter), the greater the moment of inertia. Otherwise, the closer to the axis, the lower the index and, consequently, the feeling of lightness when handling the object.

It’s not that difficult to associate these concepts with the changes made to the structure of the iPhone 15 Pro [Max]. As the use of titanium was what contributed most to reducing the weight of the device and there was a substantial exchange of a heavier material for it on the edges of the device, the tendency is for the moment of inertia to also decrease.

In a superficial calculation, which considers the reduction in mass only around the perimeter of the iPhone 15 Pro, the professional estimated a reduction in the device’s moment of inertia of between 14% and 15%. As this percentage is greater than the reduction in weight, there was an increase in the sensation of lightness greater than that which would occur if the reduction in mass was uniform.

Interesting, don’t you think? ????

via Daring Fireball

#iPhones #Pro #lighter #Physics #explains

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