Iran: a hundred deaths were recorded in two attacks

2024-01-04 12:44:50

Hay more than a hundred dead. Irán promises a harsh response. Two bombs exploded as a crowd remembered the assassinated General Qasem Soleimani on the fourth anniversary of his death.

The explosions took place near the mosque where the deceased’s grave is located, in the city of Kerman, in the south of the country. Both detonations occurred a few minutes apart.

They occurred at a time of great tension in the Middle Eastone day following the Hamas number two, Saleh al Arouri, an ally of Irandied in a drone attack in Beirut, which Lebanese authorities attributed to Israel.

The Iranian president, Ebrahim Raisi, said that “the perpetrators of this act will be identified and punished.” Also Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khameneialso promised a “harsh response” for those responsible for the attack.

The United States rejected the suggestions that its ally Israel or Washington were involved,” said the spokesman for the State Department, Matthew Miller.

The Russian president, Vladimir Putin, He stated that the attack in Iran was “scandalous for its cruelty and cynicism.”

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