Is the Apple iPhone Slowing Down? The Role of RAM Memory Revealed by Phonearena

2023-07-05 04:38:00

(Photo/Associated Press) Is the Apple iPhone getting slower and slower? The reason may be related to RAM memory! The foreign media “Phonearena” recently compared the iPhone 13 with 4GB RAM and the iPhone 14 Pro with 6GB RAM, and found that buying the high-end version can bring a smoother experience. “Phonearena” reporter Martin Filipov said that the performance of the recently used iPhone 13 mini has begun to decline, switching applications is always forced to reload, and the waiting time is prolonged. Compared with the iPhone 14 Pro, there is no such problem. He thinks the biggest key It is not the performance difference between the A15 and A16 chips, but the RAM memory capacity. Please continue reading… Martin Filipov has measured that 20 apps are opened at the same time on the iPhone 13 and iPhone 14 Pro, and they are switched immediately. Both phones can keep all the apps on standby without reloading. When expanded to 30 apps are running at the same time, 10 of which are automatically killed by the iOS system in the background of the iPhone 13 with only 4GB of RAM, and need to be reloaded. As for the 6GB iPhone 14 Pro, there is only one. With a larger RAM space, more Apps can be kept on standby in the background, so that users can reduce the waiting time in the process of switching and alternating interactions. Martin Filipov believes that hardware will definitely age due to use time, and the current application programs are also more and more resource-intensive. If you want to use your mobile phone more smoothly, it is undoubtedly helpful to have more RAM space, and thinks that the iPhone only has 4GB RAM It is definitely not enough at the moment. Choosing a model with a larger capacity will make the iPhone run more smoothly. At present, Apple only has iPhone 12 Pro, 13 Pro, and 14 Pro with 6GB RAM, and the rest of the basic models are only 4GB. The good news is that according to reports, Apple is about to fully replace the iPhone 15 and 15 Plus with 6GB RAM, which will solve the above problems without upgrading to high-end Pro models. If you want to get an iPhone 13 or 14 now, consider buying the iPhone 14 Pro directly or waiting for the new iPhone 15. “You may also want to watch” Apple iPhone 15 full series battery capacity suspected exposure!The battery life is expected to break the previous record. No need to smoke or rush. Now use the APP to watch the news and guarantee to win every day. I download the APP and follow the method of my activity

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