“It froze my blood”: relatives of a victim in Amqui had a bad feeling

AMQUI | The terrible drama that played out in Amqui hit like a ton of bricks those close to Gérald Charest, some of whom had the feeling that he was among the victims.

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“I learned it while listening to the news and immediately I knew it was him, says his brother, Régis Charest, who immediately received a call from his sister, and she too had had the same flash. We had a feeling, it made my blood run cold.

Forty-eight hours after the terrible tragedy in Amqui, those close to Gérald Charest are still mourning the hasty departure of a loving father, a laughing brother and a very generous son-in-law.

Gérald Charest, 65, is one of the two people who died during the tragedy in Amqui.

Photo taken from Facebook

Gérald Charest, 65, is one of the two people who died during the tragedy in Amqui.

Coming to meditate on the steps of the church, Régis and Marcelin, the brothers of the 65-year-old man fatally caught on Monday, cannot hold back their tears.

“It feels good to talk and see people,” says Régis in an interview with The newspaper.

Gérald Charest was born in Albertville, a small municipality of 225 inhabitants located 20 kilometers from Amqui. He was part of a large family of 10 children, five girls and five boys.

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“He was a unifier”

His other brother, Marcelin, fondly recalls the good times he spent with his brother.

“He was a bon vivant, he loved life. His family meant a lot to him, he was a unifier, he liked to receive for Christmas parties, ”he underlines.

Gérald Charest’s in-laws are also mourning his departure. For Lise Viens, 88, this is a huge loss since her son-in-law went to her home at least once a week.

Lise Viens was sad to lose her son-in-law Gérald Charest in the drama in Amqui.  This was a great help for the 89-year-old lady who still lives in her residence with her son Denis.

Photo Louis Deschenes

Lise Viens was sad to lose her son-in-law Gérald Charest in the drama in Amqui. This was a great help for the 89-year-old lady who still lives in her residence with her son Denis.

On the day of the tragedy, Mme Viens was in her Golden Age and was playing cards when she felt something was wrong.

“I was looking forward to that day. It was as if I felt a nervousness. Later, upon entering the house, she heard the news by turning on her television. “I knew straight away it was him, even though they hadn’t named anyone. He walked all the time in the afternoon,” she said.

Knocked down from behind

According to Denis Ross, Mr. Charest’s brother-in-law, it was while returning from his usual route that the man was hit.

“He didn’t see the truck because he was getting on, he had it in his back, the truck. He didn’t have the chance like others to see face to face that a madman was coming. People have told us about it”, mentions Mr. Ross, very moved.

Despite her age, Lise Viens explains that now her role will be to help her daughter Sylvie, spouse of the deceased, to get by.

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