It is going to be very popular in Latvia, a lot hotter than normal

In the intervening time, actual summer time has arrived, as a result of the thermometer has lengthy been displaying above +20 levels, and, as meteorologists say, the warmth will stay with us for a very long time.

Meteorologist Janis Trallis reported on the microblog “X” that the European Middle for Medium-Vary Climate Forecasts (ECMWF) made an surprising announcement. Air temperatures within the Baltic international locations will likely be above regular all through the subsequent month.

Nevertheless, Trallis emphasizes that such ECMWF forecasts have typically been mistaken up to now. Nevertheless, we are going to solely have the ability to discover out what the climate will likely be like in June and whether or not the forecasts will come true solely subsequent month.

Nevertheless, it’s identified that the primary +30 levels are anticipated in Latvia subsequent week and the warmth won’t recede so quickly.

#sizzling #Latvia #hotter #normal
2024-05-25 05:19:44

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