It looks like the fireworks just went off near Himeji Castle | Seeds of Himeji

It looks like the fireworks just went off near Himeji Castle.


I wrote in a previous articleSmile Festa 2022On the first day, it seems that the fireworks were going up near Himeji Castle, visible from Otemae Park!

People waiting for fireworks in Castle View! Editor-in-Chief Grape-chan was also waiting here…


18:30〜 For about 10 minutes, I could hear the fireworks, but I couldn’t see them. tears.

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So when I searched for eyewitness information on Twitter, the official Twitter ↓

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Thanks to everyone who shared! !

In addition, a video was provided by a Himetane follower! ↓

Tamaya! A large flower blooming in the night sky!
The location is near the south of Karoyashiki Park? In the editorial department, maybe it was around Shirasagi Junior High School? I came to the conclusion, but where did it come from?

Smile Festa 2022will continue to be held at Otemae Park tomorrow.


Minadid you see it?

*Thank you to everyone who submitted videos.

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