“It must be dissolved. Schlein? I would like to send her to hell” –

Danilo Toninelli, former minister of infrastructure and transport, spoke on Radio Cusano Campus to comment on the latest moves of the M5S, in particular the break with the Democratic Party in Puglia and Emiliano’s exit from the council: “Very positive evaluation for the behavior of Giuseppe Conte and the 5 Star Movement. Even then we knew that Michele Emiliano was the classic politician who welcomed anyone with open arms. Do you think it’s normal to welcome someone who perhaps runs with the centre-right who then goes to the Democratic Party and even becomes a councillor? The Movement at the time was in the hands of Di Maio – he continued – he wanted to ally himself with the Democratic Party because he could not bear to no longer have the ministerial seat with the end of Conte 1. Di Maio was willing to do anything. The only concrete and objective reading of Conte’s sentences is the one about ‘cleaning up the inside’, which I think are the words of Elly Schlein. I also like this girl, but if she really wants to reform the Democratic Party, she must dissolve it, she must cancel all the appointments made of politicians who after two, three, twenty-two mandates were placed in all municipal, provincial, regional and national subsidiaries. ”.

The left is a powder keg and clings to Vendola for peace in Bari

And still referring to Schlein, Toninelli continued with a frontal attack: “When I hear Schlein talk about a code of ethics and a code of legality I would like to send her to hell. Because the Democratic Party already has its beautiful statute and its beautiful code of ethics, but it’s a shame that it violates or derogates it. There is a limit of three mandates in the PD statute but it is always permanently revoked. The Democratic Party is a system of power that cannot be improved, cannot be modified, can only be dismantled.”

Masanielly: Emiliano and De Luca come to terms with Giuseppi to blow up Schlein

Finally, Toninelli also had his say on Conte’s recent words: “As a person who loves him, I would give him a VHS of the first Vaffa days of 2007, 2008, 2009. Because having participated in that historic moment of collective anger which transformed in collective intelligence, which was based on great intransigence and purity of soul, is precisely the key to understanding that Conte needs.”

#dissolved #Schlein #send #hell #Tempo
2024-04-14 00:44:35

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