Italian citizenship: what would be the new requirements to process it

2023-09-29 18:35:00

Although the intention to modify the law to obtain the Italian citizenship went unnoticed by the majority of society, those people who wish manage the process as a result of blood rights (iure sanguinis) they must be aware of what the new requirements at the legislative level to achieve positive results in document management.

Roberto Meniapresident of the Senate of Italia, presented a proposal that could greatly complicate the situation for those seeking dual nationality. The project was not approved in its entirety, but the scenario indicates that it would be validated and regulated in the coming months.

Italian citizenship: everything you need to know to process it

What are the new requirements to obtain Italian citizenship?

For the moment, the changes in legislation did not impact the process of processing Italian citizenship. However, the project promoted by Roberto Menia would promote changes in the requirements and documentation necessary to advance the management of the ID.

Taking into account the changes that would be applied at the documentation level when applying for Italian citizenship, we developed a check list with the documents that would become mandatory to start the process:

  • Language: intermediate level (B1) of Italian

Having language skills is always positive, but it will also become mandatory for those who aim to apply for Italian citizenship. With the new legislation it will be necessary have a diploma certifying level B1 (intermediate) of Italian: In this way, government authorities try to ensure that candidates for citizenship master the language of the country.

  • Changes in residence time

Residence time will also be important for the new application process. As it turned out, The minimum period of residence that the applicant must have for the claim to be favorable is one year.

Both points represent a legal delay in the management of citizenships that are processed once the Menia project is approved.

Italian citizenship: five answers to the most frequent questions to process it

Keys to processing Italian citizenship through judicial means

Given the doubt regarding the modifications in the legislation and the filter effect that the new requirements could cause, Claudio Arna renowned advisor on the subject and founder of the Italo Tribu project, warns about the need to act in the citizenship process in a more immediate way and to opt for alternatives that facilitate the procedure.

According to what Arn proposes, the trial for lack of jurisdiction is postulated as the most direct way to achieve the purpose. Among the advantages of the option, the increase in the speed of the process and the reduction in costs during the processing period.

Los new changes They would annoy those who plan to start the process to obtain Italian citizenship, but there are many who analyze the alternatives with the aim of processing the document within the framework of current legislation and from a more pleasant perspective with respect to the necessary requirements.

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